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you are rate limited.


what is the meaning of "you are rate limited."?


Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner

Hi @Aa1234561 ,


In which area specifically do you get this message?

It may be a matter of calling plans or limitations in terms of destinations...

Limitation in terms of recording time by volume of data.

Limitation on how much meeting time if you have a basic plan....

If you can provide more information we can focus on it.


Best regards,

Please mark if this solution helped you so that other colleagues can find it!

In the area of the link to the conference, I've got free Zoom plan. So what does the phrase You are being rate limited mean?

I get that message when I copy-paste and send  a zoom link for a meeting.

Strange because I have a paid plan...


I get the same message... and I have a Plan. I started having problems today. Never before. Usually start meetings in Chile, with Chilean based people. No more than two or three people everytime


I have a ZOOM Pro account, and having regular meetings occasionally and some recurring meetings.  This is the first time after I scheduled a meeting, and this message "You are being rate limited" tag along when I shared the link to other through Whatsapp. 

I am NOT sure whether it would affect our meeting being scheduled tonight, but definitely it looks weird to participants being invited.  Is there any solutions so far?


Hi David,

I get this same message and I cannot enter meetings in which the links have been sent to me. I can give out zoom links and I'm fine, but if I press on link that someone else sends to me, the message is that I'm being "rate limited" and Cloudfare asks me over and over to identify that I am a human. I am ZoomPro user in other words I pay for this account. Also I cannot get phone or chatbot support from zoom because I do not qualify - as a paid user!


If I upgrade to business would that help? I can't tell from the specs. Thanks!



Just received the same message - no warning...