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show individual host name in a meeting not the admins name


Hi, we have a learning management system which is connected with Zoom. When entering a meeting we are seeing the Zoom admins name, regardless who is joining the meeting first. Does anyone know how this can be changed?


An answer is highly appreciated!


Best regards,



Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner

Hi Claudia


by connected with Zoom do you mean that this is linked to you admin account?

Can you verify if this is the admin account?
If this is linked to and admin account you can try to create a new user (with admin rights, if needed) and configure the new one to your learning management system.





Let's be realistic. Let's do the impossible!

Hi Calvo, thank you for your quick response. We have connected the Zoom account of a company with the other system. In the Zoom account we have different users which have already hold webinars using Zoom in the past. It's just that with this connection we only see the admin's name even if another user who is not in the corporate account is the host of a certain webinar. Why aren't we seeing the name of the user/host who first entered the webinar or who is assigned to be the trainer? Or do we have to assign that role in Zoom before and then the system recognizes this when a webinar starts?

Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner

Hi Claudia

sorry I was away for some days. 

I think (but I'm not sure) that you need to assign that role in Zoom before and then the system recognizes this when a webinar starts..but as mentioned I´m not sure


Let's be realistic. Let's do the impossible!

Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner

Sorry for the late response I was on holidays.

I´m not sure but I think you have to assign that role in Zoom before and then the system recognizes this when a webinar starts.




Let's be realistic. Let's do the impossible!