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"host will let you in soon" not working


i am trying to enter a meeting using a link that's always worked but for the past hour i've been stranded in the waiting room with my screen displaying "host will let you in soon". in all other times i have been in the waiting room, the host has always let me in without fail. i think i'm experiencing a glitch where the host cannot see my request to join. i even looked for articles pertaining to this issue and have seen that others have experienced it before, although it looks to be a rather rare occurrence. 


PLEASE help!!


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

May I ask what is the message that you are seeing? Is it still the "host will let you in soon" message?

What is causing this: meeting attendee (not webinar) enters Lobby but Host cannot see anyone is in the Lobby and does not get a notifying email that someone in the lobby.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

@hieroseglyph –


Unfortunately, the message screen you are seeing has no real idea whether the Host of the meeting will ever show up. The assumption by the system is that, of course the host will show up – they scheduled the meeting, right?


 But if the host forgets, decides not to have the meeting, has an internet or computer failure, or in some cases if the attendee (or host!) reads or computes the time of the meeting incorrectly – that message may stay active for you  for as long as you’re willing to wait!


I recommend contacting the host and asking what happened … sorry, Zoom doesn’t know. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.