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"?from=addon" is added to my zoom link every time


I recently added the Outlook plugin so I can organise a meeting directly in my calendar. However, when my link is generated, it always has ?from=addon added to the end of it.

It is a pain to have to erase this each time. How do I solve this?




Community Champion | Zoom Employee
Community Champion | Zoom Employee

Hi @Smita thank you for your post here on the Zoom Community! I looked into your question and found that we actually added that extra portion on to the meeting invite link per Microsoft's request. It had to do with the way our join links automatically launch the Zoom client and they wanted that extra portion to be able to identify that the meeting was scheduled through an Add-in so that it would be easier to understand the purpose of the link. If you leave that portion on it will not hurt anything or cause the link to malfunction. 


I hope that helps! If this is an issue for you, it would be great to hear your feedback. Currently, our product team reviews all feature requests submitted via our feedback form I highly encourage you to provide feedback about any pain points this is causing. I'm not sure we can change this since it was Microsoft's request but you never know. 


If this has answered your question to your satisfaction, please click the "Accept as Solution" button below but if not please reply and we can continue the  discussion. Thank you!

I'm having the same problem (it just started happening) and it actually DOES cause a problem in that people follow that "addon" link and can't get into the Zoom and the password doesn't work. If I send them the link without that extra bit of text, it works just fine. Is there any way around this so I don't have to delete that text with every invitation?

I have the same problem as well. On my Microsoft Outlook for Mac (Version 16.66.1), when I schedule a meeting and click "Add a Zoom Meeting" button on meeting event, every time the Zoom meeting URL link is added "?from=addon" text. However I would NOT like to add this kind of text on Zoom meeting URL link and Meeting location filed. Please let me know as to how to eliminate by system automatically (not by manual) to add this text of "?from=addon".

I have the same issue using Windows 10 with Outlook 2016 with Zoom Addon. Every meeting I initiate with the "Add a Zoom Meeting" will append the "?from=addon" string to the Location field in the Header and the Meeting within the body of the email. Both links do not work and I need to edit the link by deleting the appended string so that it is a valid link. Somewhat annoying as it did previously work until a recent update to something.

Hi @jeremyjustin - are you able to suggest a fix to this issue? See comments below. Thanks. re: zoom= addon

Community Champion | Zoom Employee
Community Champion | Zoom Employee

Hi @Jewelly I have checked with our engineering teams and unfortunately there is not a way to remove the =addon from Zoom meeting invites that have been created in Outlook using the Zoom Add-in. Microsoft requested that we add that extension into the invite in order to be able to tell how the meeting was scheduled. That being said, the =addon addition should not cause any issues with your meeting invite working when it's clicked. I join meetings with that extension on a regular basis without problem. I would say if you are experiencing an issue where a meeting link isn't working, it would help if you could open a support ticket and let our tech team work with you to look deeper. Sometimes if the meeting link is copied and pasted and there are any extra characters it can cause issues for example.


I do hope this helps! 



I have same problem.

I use zoom manifest file for Microsoft Exchange and client for MacOS.

The link works correctly, but I'm worried that when adding a link to the invitation through the addon, the link is not formed as a hyperlink.
How can this be fixed?




Did you ever resolve?  I'm so not a fan of the visual/display text.

Hi. No, i don't have solution.


I'm also having this problem. I've started using the 'New Outlook' for Mac and am curious if anyone is having the issue with the original Outlook Mac. I work in Cybersecurity so every time I send invites, I am asked if this is in fact a legitimate link. It is SO annoying and I really don't understand why this is necessary.

Community Champion | Zoom Employee
Community Champion | Zoom Employee

Hi @sabotto I included a reply in this thread to Jewelly that helps describe what is going on. Unfortunately this is something Microsoft requested for us (Zoom) to include in any meetings scheduled with our add-in (similar to the Outlook Plugin but the add-in can be deployed as an app in O365/Outlook versus a client install like the Plugin).