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problem with meetings disappearing off my Ipad even though they are still on my laptop and phone


A few days ago my meetings just abruptly disappeared off my iPad even though they were still visible on the laptop and even on the phone.  It was suggested that I re-enable the calendar on my iPad.  I did that but the problem remains. This is extremely annoying as I rely on my iPad to do my meetings and now I virtually cannot do it.  I do find that when I schedule a meeting on my iPad it does appear on my laptop.  I have no idea what to do now and I'm really irritated because apparently I can't access any in person help because of my subscription plan.  I feel like this is extreme price gauging.  It feels like this problem was created by zoom but zoom refuses to engage about it. I'm looking into other platforms.  This is not acceptable.  Would appreciate any help




this happened to me on Thursday and I've been waiting for a response to a ticket regarding this same issue and I haven't heard back yet.


Hi @JBYoga I see that your ticket was resolved by recreating the meetings that you needed scheduled? 


@okays is this something you can test by scheduling a testing meeting? 


Secondly, how are you scheduling your meetings @okays? Suggest checking your Zoom app settings to ensure your Calendar is synced on your mobile device as well. 




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