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ZoomISO Difficulty with shared screens



We've been trying this new version, 2.0.6 I believe... but we're still having screen sharing issues...

Here's an short video clip of this issue we're having..

Let me know your thoughts... Anyone else seeing this?






Benjamin Freedman
PrimeImage Media
480-399-0000 - direct
480-240-9270 - office
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Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner

hi ben,


here are three resources that may be of assistance:


Zoom test kitchen

(53) Jeff Widgren | LinkedIn


Office hours global

Welcome to Office Hours Global – A global conversation where no one’s left out



ZoomISO v2 | Isolated Participant Audio and Video from Zoom (


thanks,  eliot


Hi, Eliot. Thanks for the reply, but that's sort of like someone having a windows issue, and you point them towards the Microsoft homepage as a resource...


Anyone here using ZoomISO and experience anything similar to what I was describing?







Your post caused me to run a quick test. I couldn't reproduce your issue, but thought I'd at least share my environment to compare to. I'm not here to say that it works for me, therefore it should work for you, as I am aware that there are others reporting challenges with reliably capturing the screen share, as well. I know that internally the development team is looking into this.

Here are my test specs:


  • I started a Zoom meeting using the Zoom client version 5.13.5 on my PC.
  • I joined that meeting from my M1 Mac Mini running ZoomISO 2.0.6.
  • From my PC (Host) I confirmed that local/cloud recording was turned-off
  • From my PC (Host) I assigned my MacISO machine Co-Host
  • I then enabled the ISO Output Engine
  • I selected 3 for the number of outputs
  • Default resolution is 1080p (I also re-ran these steps using 720p)
  • Default framerate is 29.97 fps
  • Output 1 is set to Participant mode
  • Output 1 Output Type is NDI
  • Output 2 Output Type is set to Active Speaker mode
  • Output 2 Output Type is NDI
  • Output 3 Output Type is set to Active Screen Share mode
  • Output 3 Output Type is NDI
  • From my PC I started sharing my 2nd desktop
  • From my MacISO machine I can see the status at 2560 x 1440 due to the resolution of my shared desktop
  • When I click on the Preview button of ZoomISO Output 3 it displays the share correctly
  • I changed the Mode to Screen Share and selected the name of the attendee and the feed refreshed
  • I changed the Mode back to Active Screen Share and found that I had to switch from Share 1 to Share 2 and back to Share 1 in order to get it to refresh.
  • I restarted my share, but this time I shared a video using the advanced sharing option and optimized for video.
  • The ISO engine updated immediately refreshed with this new share.

I realize that we do not have the same hardware, etc, but I thought it might be helpful to have a tested comparison. If you'd like me to do some specific tests, I'm happy to do so.

I'll check-in with the development team and see if there is any progress on this that they can speak to.

If you find this information helpful, please click on "Accept as Solution".

If you have further questions, please reply, we're happy to help.

Jeff Widgren | Host of the Zoom Test Kitchen


Howdy. It seems like it pretty much always catches the first screen share on a call, but when the share is disconnected and another user shares, that seems to be when the issue happens... But not on every call... I've had calls where there have been 5 or 10 different shares and they all work fine. And then on the next call, the 1st share works fine, but then this happens after that...


I did find your post helpful, but it wasn't a solution. I'm not quite sure why someone would mark a helpful post as a solution if it was helpful but not a solution... Is that the ettiquette on this forum? Wouldn't that make it less likely that someone else with a solution would chime in... 


Seems quite strange to me... but maybe I'm not as savvy....




LOL... You are absolutely correct that it is not a solution, nor should it be marked as one.


When we are able to provide a solution on this forum it helps guide others to the answers faster. Therefore, I add the note encouraging response when appropriate, to my signature.

I'm confident that this issue is one that is being looked at and worked on, and commonly when it's not an immediate fix, it means that it is a bit more of a lift internally, sometimes even an update to the SDK can be required, which is what ZoomOSC and ZoomISO rely on.

If there is anything I might be able to help with, don't hesitate to reach-out.

Zoom, ZoomOSC, ZoomISO, vMix, Companion, Scripting are the technologies I'm proficient with.

Take care,



Jeff Widgren | Host of the Zoom Test Kitchen

Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner

hi ben,

the host and participants from all over the world on Office hours global use zoomiso.  From 7am to 8am pacific, office hours participants answer questions from anyone posting questions on mukana.  You can get a mukana code before the show at 6:40 am pacific and post your questions before the show and during the show.  Office hours also has after hours that is running all the time and permits a more informal opportunity to discuss technical zoomiso, audio and video concerns and ideas.

Thanks, eliot


Hi Ben, yup, I'm having the same issue. First screen share works fine then if someone else shares I just get the '[user] has started screen sharing" messgae. 

Did you get a solution?

This has been a known issue and the developers have been working on making it more reliable. I’ve been testing these improvements and can ensure you that they’ve been achieved. I am not aware of the exact release date, but I’m guessing that it’s getting pretty close. 

Jeff Widgren | Host of the Zoom Test Kitchen

Thanks Jeff, is there a workaround at the moment? It’s fairly intrinsic to our workflow and we have a lot of events coming up that rely on this performing as expected.


@AdamSunday if you reach out to support at Info(at) they can provide you the latest beta which fixes this issue.

If you find this information helpful, please click on "Accept as Solution".

If you have further questions, please reply, we're happy to help.

Jeff Widgren | Host of the Zoom Test Kitchen

Thanks jeff, no response from support yet.

Could you send the download link to adam[at] ?

I've also asked support. No response yet. I would like this beta too, if you can send it! 🙂


No solution as of yet. Sorry you're experiencing this too...




Beta recevied, initial testing seems promising.

So glad to hear it. Takes a little pressure off, I'm sure.

If you find this information helpful, please click on "Accept as Solution".

If you have further questions, please reply, we're happy to help.

Jeff Widgren | Host of the Zoom Test Kitchen


Hi Jeff, 

beta doesn't seem very reliable for me I'm afraid. I've a couple of crashes and spinning beach balls. Have submiteed report to support.

I've been testing on about six iterations and it has continued to improve with each one. It's still a beta, so our feedback super important.


If you happen to be able to reproduce any of that behavior I'd love to hear about it.


Jeff Widgren | Host of the Zoom Test Kitchen