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Zoom (or Team) slows down internet speed by 30 times


Oct. 11, 2023

Seeing more responses on the issue, I updated my original message to make it more useful.



On my Windows 11 laptop (Lenovo ThinkPad, E495, ethernet wired connection), when I start Zoom (even without signing in, same with Microsoft Team), the internet speed test shows a 30-times drop, from 450 Mbps to ~10 Mbps.


Temporary remedy: 

After your Zoom session, QUIT Zoom (or Team) COMPLETELY so your internet speed is back to normal. You make sure this by clicking the "Show hidden icons" arrow at the bottom-right of your screen to see all the applications running and exit Zoom if it is still there.


Attempted fix. It worked briefly for an earlier version of Zoom, but does not work anymore (after Zoom version evolution) as of Oct. 11, 2023 :

   1.) Search for the "Control Panel" and open this up.

   2.) In the window that comes up, click on the "Network and Internet" link

   3.) In there, there will be a link that says "Internet Options", click on that to get another pop-up window

   4.) In that pop-up window, towards the top, look for the tab that says "Advanced" and click on that

   5.) Scroll to the bottom of that window, look for where it lists "Use TLS", check "Use TLS 1.3", and uncheck "Use TLS 1.2". 


Also tried Google Meet. Although the network speed test shows no issue, all applications become slow and lagging. It is worse than Zoom -- even the slowdown-plagued version. 



Like many on this thread, I performed this "fix" (among many others) to address this issue. It worked initially but the problem returned. However, I found one more thing that's worth trying for those with a Lenovo that seems to have worked (fingers crossed). I have a Thinkpad X1 Carbon Gen 8. 

  • Open the Lenovo Vantage app
  • Under Device Settings, select "Performance Boost" (Zoom was listed as one of the "Apps to boost")
  • Turn off Performance Boost

I hope this helps some folks. This has been the most frustrating computer issue I've faced.

View solution in original post



I have this exact same problem!  It started about 2-weeks ago.  Unfortunately, this "fix" did not work on my Windows 11 ThinkPad.  I've invested countless hours and tried everything I can think of.  My ISP, Xfinity, says it must be a Zoom problem.  Please, please, please, I'm on Zoom all day for work.  Does anyone have a fix?  Thanks!

Microsoft Team also caused a slowdown, so it may be a common module that video calls all use. The fix I posted worked for me -- occasionally, the slowdown comes back, then I restart the Windows to get the speed back.    


Here's an update, though sadly there is still no solution...


This severe drop in internet speed issue started happening for me seemingly around the same time it did for many of you: early June.  I'm absolutely convinced, as are my two IT professional colleagues, that it was a Zoom code change at that time.  


I have been in constant contact with Zoom Level 1 Support, and then bounced to Level 2 Support and have jumped through all of their "try this, try that" suggestions to "fix" the problem, but none have worked.

The latest "suggestion" is for me to waste a whole day and a few hundred dollars to pay someone to reimage my laptop.  Again, my 2 IT resources with 6-decades of IT support/repair experience between them believe that this too isn't the real fix to the problem.


Like many of you, I've tried everything: updated all programs, uninstalled/reinstalled Zoom multiple times, tried different wired/wireless settings and connections, turned on and off VPN and security apps, setup a new Zoom account for testing purposes and had same results so it isn't an account setting, etc.  


My workaround:

I am in Zoom meetings most of the day.  If I reboot the laptop and log into Zoom within 7-minutes, I experience high speeds while in a Zoom meeting.  If I reboot and wait more than the 7ish-minutes and then log into Zoom, the internet speed crashes from ~240Mbps to ~8Mbps the very second I connect to Zoom.  Then the only solution is to reboot.


If I have only 1 Zoom meeting, as soon as Zoom is disconnected when the meeting ends, the internet speed drops to ~8Mbps.  However, if I go into Task Manager and delete all Zoom-related Tasks that are still running in the background, my internet speed goes back to normal.  (A question I've asked of Zoom Tech Support that they have yet to answer: why does Zoom continue to run in the background after a meeting is ended?)


BUT, if I attempt to log into a subsequent Zoom meeting after that without a fresh reboot first, the internet speed once again drops to ~8Mbps... so the laptop MUST be rebooted again prior to each Zoom meeting... a horrible inconvenience to close and reopen other programs each time.


So, if I have multiple Zoom meetings that are within Zoom's 40-minute idle window, I simply keep my Zoom meetings going after one client drops off and I am awaiting the next client meeting to begin.

I am beyond frustrated with Zoom tech support denying that this issue isn't on them and simply blaming the Windows 11 OS, or my Lenovo ThinkPad software, or "something else" installed on my laptop.


Come on, Zoom... we are all paying customers of your app and need real help here!


Thanks, this seems to work for me as well in teams as well.  My internet was dropping from 500mbps to 300mbps as soon as I load teams or zoom


Does anyone have any updates on this? Every time I even open the Zoom app, my connection goes from 250mbps to like 8mbps.

Unfortunately, no. The slowdown remains. 

I have come back to using Zoom -- even with the slowdown, it is better than Google Meet. 


I have the same issue.  Its been haunting me for 4 months now.  (right after my warranty expired from Lenovo).  The internet speed drops when I use wireless and wired ethernet for just this PC.  I drop from 900+MBPS to  7 or 8MBPS.  Only restart enables higher connectivity speeds.  The common thread starts with my zoom meetings and then speed drops afterwards.  I also get DCOM warnings and Errors, but don't know what to do with them.  HELP!

Sorry, I gave up trying to resolve it. 

This may be helpful: After using Zoom or Team, I make sure to exit them completely so my network speed is back to normal. 

I am having the same problems - super fast internet of ~800mbps drops to about 5mbps. I tried the original solution, didn't help. Lenovo installed a new motherboard, didn't help. Multiple emails with Zoom support, no help.

Thanks to this recent comment I have tried QUITTING zoom after each call, and speed is restored immediately, so at least I'm no longer having to restart my computer. However, the problem persists on every call. Did try disconnecting computer audio, that didn't help.

I don't have a Dell, so that bandwidth option isn't available to me.

I sent this thread to the Zoom support ticket, we'll see if anything comes of it. So far they insist it's not their problem.


I, too, have just found myself in the same boat, both Zoom and Teams are giving me the same issue:  speed test results are way down at and after connecting to a meeting.


I did find something interesting while using my personal room for troubleshooting:

Disconnecting computer audio from a zoom meeting restores my normal internet speed.

(zoom menu bar -> mute (up arrow) -> Leave Computer Audio)


The results from that action are immediate.

Normal speed (700 Mbps+)

Connected to Zoom (12 Mbps)

Leave Computer Audio while still connected to the call (700 Mbps+)


I am on Windows 10.


Here's are some of the troubleshooting steps I've taken so far:

1. Switch audio drivers

2. Run zoom in admin mode

3. Set zoom to use high-performance mode in the Graphics Settings in the Settings app

4. Tried two different 1Gb NICs, one 10Gb nic, and wifi

5. Changed DNS server

6. Tried the original suggestion provided by Guiping

7. Disabled the Windows Auto-tuning feature


I know I've done more but I am in the middle of (still) troubleshooting.  This is an annoying bug.

Has anyone else tried anything not listed above?



OMG!!  Think I just found the issue on my PC.


Anyone using a Dell?  I am.

I found a setting in the Dell Optimizer app that is the cause of the bandwidth throttling.


Toggling this setting during an active speed test affects the bandwidth in real time.It's a feature, not a bugIt's a feature, not a bug




I hope this helps someone else!

Great work! It works for me! Thank you so so so much! 

Pixel! You solved it. This has been driving me bananas for 10 hours and you have enabled me to finally get some sleep. You deserve something special this weekend. Tell your person I said so. 😉


Hi All .. I am facing the same issue and haven't found any solution yet. I see comments from community but I don't see any solution or posts from Zoom. 


Zoom, please respond and help. This is a big issue and unacceptable silence from Zoom.


Hi gsandeep2023,

Are you using a Dell, by chance?

Does your speed return to normal if you disconnect computer audio in the zoom room?

Hello ... thank you for the response. I just find out about this thread today only and will try that option today. I have this issue for last 4-5 months and I thought its something on my computer but it always happens on Zoom screen share and video share. 

I tried disconnecting audio option but didn't help at all. However I would need audio to work so that I can talk during presenting. I am so frustrated with this 😞 


Hello .. thank you for responding. I am on IBM Lenovo. I came to know about that setting today only so I will try that. I will also try the suggestion of TLS 1.2 vs TLS 1.3. But I have this issue for past 4-5 months and I tried moving my laptop all over the place, even next to modem and it still gives me issues. It only happens when I am on zoom sharing the screen and video. After few minutes on the call, my internet speed drops from over 400/400 to 15/16 and I start seeing major lags between screen sharing and video feeds .. like 3-4 second lag


I will check all those suggestions but wondering if Zoom have a comment on that

I have the same problem on Lenovo and same timeframe for problem.   Internet connection speed goes from 900+MBPS to 7-8MBPS until restart.  It happens in both wireless network and ethernet connections.  Did you find anything else?  Its driving me crazy.

nope, no luck so far .. now what I do is restart Zoom after every meeting, get rid of dual monitor option, reduce the number of current processes, don't go on video if not required and pray that the issue doesn't pop up in the middle of my sharing. I am on the latest version of zoom also so its up to date from my side. I thought of using the mesh wi-fi system but I dropped that idea because I still see the issue when I sitting right next to my latest eero modem 😞 

I'm on ethernet, it doesn't help. Blazing fast on ethernet, and still very fast on wifi until the Zoom call. Drops either way to the same very low level.



Some additional details.  I performed Speed test before, during and after a zoom meeting.  Before and During Speed Tests showed ~940+MBPS Down and 40MBPS Up. 


AFTER zoom meeting ends, I did a Speed Test and Got the usual drop to:  8.57MBPS Down and 5.15MBPS Up.


SO, this has been occurring for months. 


I have updated drivers, changed zoom configurations, used wireless and wired ethernet options and still get the same results.  Windows 11 Pro, Lenovo Yoga ThinkPad, Intel Graphics.  


THEN, I restart windows and get the 940+MPBS down and 40MBPS Up until I conduct a zoom meeting again.  


Any other suggestions?  Do I need to do a Windows Restart?  


More Updates and DEtails on this PROBLEM, but no Fix:

1.  Made Zoom Phone call and Same Drop in Speed problem occurs!  900+MBPS to 5-7MBPS in addition to zoom video meetings.

2.  Physical Network Speeds stay HIGH at 1GBPS Ethernet (wired) or ~750MBPS Wireless to Router while PC Speed test shows 5-7MBPS Down and ~3-4MBPS Up.

3.  QUIT Zoom and Speed reverts back to High numbers for PC (900MBPS+).  At least that is better than restarting entire pc.

4.  Yesterday the quality of two zoom calls were untenable.  Audio drops, video lags, etc.  That just started happening (problem is worsening not improving).  

5.  Conducted an overseas What's App Phone call and Video today without a problem.  Performed speed tests before, during and afterwards and no problems.  Also, quality was very good.

6.  Clarity:  Using Zoom Client and Outlook Plugin.  Windows 11 Pro.  All Drivers up to date.  All Windows updates completed.

7.  Created Trouble Ticket with Zoom today... awaiting a reply.

You wrote: "2.  Physical Network Speeds stay HIGH at 1GBPS Ethernet (wired) or ~750MBPS Wireless to Router while PC Speed test shows 5-7MBPS Down and ~3-4MBPS Up."
What is the difference between the two - how did you measure your "physical network speeds?" My speed TEST speed is very fast before Zoom, same as yours like ~750, then drops to ~5 with Zoom. Is the "physical network speed" different that the tested speed with a speed test?


This page provided several ways to check the physical speed of your connection.  I have used this to check link/speed (speed between PC and Router) on my wireless and wired network adapters:


Hope this helps.


After more wasted hours than I want to admit, I found this: Lenovo knows about the problem and hasn't done anything about it for months. I have an Intel 10th Gen i7 core processor on my ThinkPad X1Carbon Gen 8. Exact same problem with both Teams and Zoom - the main 2 conferencing systems I use everyday on my job. Windows 10. It's slowing down Outlook 365 too. Grrrr....


Found a FIX!


On my Lenovo X1 Carbon ThinkPad Gen 8 running Windows 10 - this worked (after a solid week of frustration). You didn't mention missing advanced power options. If you have them, skip to the part about changing the Intel Graphics Command Center settings. If not, follow the instructions to add the missing power options, then set everything to maximum performance.

Also, for my wifi card, I updated the driver directly from Intel rather than Lenovo. Not sure if that helped, because the same problem was happening over a CAT  6 ethernet cable, but it couldn't hurt.  

Good luck - this was the most frustrating #$%$&^!! computer problem I've faced, and I'm in a job where I use both Zoom and Teams daily. 

So sounds like the proposed solution has not worked consistently and this may not be the final solution. Is that correct? I am bit hesitant to make the proposed change only to find out that it created unnecessary impact on the existing performance while not actually fixing the original solution this thread had been created for.


Thank you SO MUCH! I was able to fix the problem on my Lenovo ThinkPad E495 Windows 10 by following your instructions. 

Two additional notes:

1. When starting CMD prompt, need to "Run as administrator".

2. After implementing the registry changes, do a computer RESTART. 


Whoa... @rjs1 - I have absolutely no idea about any of that ninja stuff... I followed the directions in that video to the letter, and with @Guiping 's suggestion looked up how to Run as administrator, and then did a computer restart when it was all done... and at least for today - THE PROBLEM IS FIXED!!! On Zoom, with no drop in internet speed!

I hope having changed all those settings won't be harmful to anything else on my computer. For now, congratulations team here and @rjs1 thank you so much for your detective work!

And... now it's not working again, super low speeds on Zoom. @rjs1 and @Guiping - did this solution keep working for you?


No speed drop after doing a Restart of my computer. 


After seeing your message @Sarah1S1, I first ran a speed test after starting Zoom screen (the first step, without logging in to Zoom), the slow down came back. 

I did a Restart. Then the speed test after starting Zoom showed no drop in speed.  

That's hopeful, but didn't work for me. Restarted the computer, and then still speed drop with Zoom. Oh well. Darn!


Like many on this thread, I performed this "fix" (among many others) to address this issue. It worked initially but the problem returned. However, I found one more thing that's worth trying for those with a Lenovo that seems to have worked (fingers crossed). I have a Thinkpad X1 Carbon Gen 8. 

  • Open the Lenovo Vantage app
  • Under Device Settings, select "Performance Boost" (Zoom was listed as one of the "Apps to boost")
  • Turn off Performance Boost

I hope this helps some folks. This has been the most frustrating computer issue I've faced.

 I also have a Thinkpad X1 Carbon Gen 8 running Windows 10. Just to test your suggestion, I went to Lenovo Vantage, which was off. Ran speedtest 375/11, which is normal for me. Turned it ON and speed dropped to 150/8. Immediately turned OFF again. Speed returned. So, it stays off. Some "performance booster." 🙄 Thank you for this tip. 


My earlier posted fix continues to work well enough to conduct large Zoom and Teams meetings. Happily, it has not returned to the horrible problem of dropping to the completely unusable speeds of 8/4. So this may be a fix only for specific Thinkpads.


Ethernet cable vs. wifi makes no difference, which means the problem is not with the ISP or router.  Android phone and tablet don't lose speed when using Zoom/Teams, which confirms that the problem is with this specific computer. Since it started about 4-5 months ago for everyone, I'm wondering if this is the result of a Microsoft update that's incompatible with apps that use video. Has anyone reached out to Microsoft? 


I'm discovering that a number of apps cut the speeds approximately in half - from about 375/12 (which is my max) to about 175/10 (which is annoying, but still quite functional). 

  • Zoom
  • Teams
  • Chrome
  • Microsoft Outlook desktop

So closing what you're not using during a meeting may be helpful. Note: Zoom doesn't automatically close after a meeting, because it stays signed in to your account.  You must close it manually.

Thank you. Like you, the "fix" above didn't stick for me.

I went in to Lenovo Vantage, and Performance Boost was on for Meetings, and it was set to boost PowerPoint - I remember trying this out a few months ago so my PowerPoint presentation would lag less in meetings. I turned off Performance Boost altogether, and in my first Zoom test my speed did not drop. I did this test after an earlier Zoom call today where speed did drop precipitously. We'll see if this continues to work into the future.

Thanks @gweeks 

gweeks, YOU ARE MY HERO !!!


It was so frustrating, my laptop (Lenovo X1 Yoga) should such a bad network performance, that I was spending hours and hours trying to fix it. At the end I even upgraded from Win10 to Win11 assuming, that some fundamental things were stuck. While it was looking good in the beginning, the bad network bandwidth came back. I just had no idea, that it could be Zoom, which is starting by default when I start Windows, since I use it so often. Today I found this thread, and yes: Starting Zoom, bandwidth drops, ending it, bandwidth comes back. Now I disabled the "Performance Boost" as well and hey, network bandwidth stays where it should be, with and without Zoom. And the funny thing is: Zoom is running (even no meeting, just the app), speed test is running - then enabling "Performance Boost" and instantly the speed drops; disabling it again, instantly speed comes back. I have no idea what this setting does to the Windows configuration in the background, but this has no solved a nightmare problem for me.


Thank you so much!

Thank you @gweeks ! 

I followed your instructions (nothing listed under Performance Boost but I turned it off anyway). 

No obvious speed drop after a few Zoom tests.

Thank you so much!!
