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Zoom meetings not showing up in Upcoming/Previous meeting Tabs on web browser


I have an issue where myself and other users are not able to see any upcoming meetings (not made/hosted by that user) in the upcoming meetings tab or the previous meetings tab online. It is hard to find an answer online as most answers point to seeing meetings in a tab on the Desktop app which I can. I had a meeting earlier today and yet it doesn't show up under my previous meetings tab (online through the web browser). I do have Outlook (the calendar I use) set up to work with Zoom and when scheduling a Zoom meeting through Outlook, it will show up in the meetings tab on the desktop application but still not showing under the meetings tab in Upcoming/Previous on the web browser. Looking for a fix with the web browser. Has any other user experienced this. A lot of users at my company would like to visit their profile at to be able to do stuff with it but without them able to see any upcoming meetings on the website, they rarely use it. They can obviously check their Outlook calendar and see all the upcoming/previous meetings. I have tried updating and signing off/on to the Zoom website to no help what so ever. Again it works to see schedule meetings from Outlook through the Zoom desktop application, but it is not working under the meetings tab of the Zoom website. Thanks


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

@MisterOates If you are not the host or have scheduling privileges for that host of those meetings, you will not be able to see them from the web portal. 

The calendar integration you are using is solely to view those upcoming meetings listed on your calendar in the Desktop client. These do not push visibility to the web portal. 

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Oh ok. So even though they can see all upcoming scheduled meetings in Outlook calendar (scheduled from Zoom), they won't necessarily see them in the Zoom Web Browser unless they themselves are the hosts and have scheduled the meeting or have scheduling privileges? Does that change if they are added as alternative hosts for that scheduled meeting? They have some meetings were they are the alternative host of that meeting and are still unable to see any upcoming meetings under the meetings tab online.


If it was a previous meeting, should they see those online under the "previous" tab or do the same rules apply where they need to be a host or have privileges? 

Most people here schedule meetings through the Zoom desktop app and then send the invites out with Outlook, so that itself doesn't change the fact that they won't be able to see any upcoming meetings in the meetings tab on the Zoom website? 


Basically they should just continue to use Outlook calendar or have notifications from Outlook for any upcoming Zoom meetings they might have? Lastly, when would the calendar on the Zoom desktop app populate with an upcoming meeting? The day the meeting is happening? 


Thanks and sorry for all the questions. Just wanna see if I'm getting everything correctly. 

This is not limited to the web browser for me - I can no longer see upcoming meetings in the home page of the app either.  This is quite frustrating as I find the only way to launch my own meetings is to type in the code from my own calendar.   Previously, even meetings I was invited to showed up here and this was extremely helpful.  

I have the same problem.  I go to my previous meetings if its a recurring one and use the old invite but very frustrating.  Make sure your meetings haven't expired which mine haven't and I'm still having the problem.   No one seems to have an answer on here.  Super frustrating.  

The same thing is happening to me.  Super annoying!

I am the Host and on the zoom website it shows no Upcoming Meetings, even though I have one scheduled for tonight, that I scheduled 3 weeks ago.  I am concerned I wont be able to start the meeting!  Yikes...


I am having the same issue!

What is happening with this issue? Has the problem been resolved regarding being able to see upcoming and previous meetings? I am host and even as host, the listed meetings I have booked are not coming up on my Zoom account through web browser. It is very frustrating. Can you answer this please or otherwise let me know where to find the answer on here?



I personally have found no fix for this issue in the community nor have I ever received a response from Zoom themselves. Sorry I couldn't be more help.

Think I have found the problem and fix.  Could be that the meeting, when it was originally entered, has now expired though it can still be used.   Try going through PREVIOUS meetings, find the ones that don't appear as upcoming, click on edit and edit all of them (not a single occurrence) and change the date on when the meeting expires.  This just worked for me. 

Thank you! This is the only fix that worked. I tired everything else I found via google!!

Thanks so much, this worked for me!

I'm having the same issue. My license was purchased for me by the organization I'm running events for. They set the events up but made me the host. I started the event yesterday as the host. But I don't see any meetings in upcoming or past. 

It's shocking to see how many comments there already are about this though with no response so I'm not. feeling very hopeful for a solution. I just hope to be able to convince the team to use Butter instead for future workshops. It's way better for meetings and their team is so responsive and helpful. 

I have a conference this Friday. I set up a zoom meeting but it does not show on my upcoming events. In fact, no upcoming events are shown. I am the host and need to know if this like I will be sending out will work. It seems that a lot of people are having this problem. Can you please help us?


I have a similar problem but mine just started yesterday.   I am hosting recurring meetings.  In the past they appeared everywhere.   While they show up on my laptop, now they do not appear in the zoom app on my ipad or iphone.   I need to be able to join each session on both my laptop and my ipad in order to teach my classes.  

Did you see this response?

Re: Zoom meetings not showing up in Upcoming/Previous meeting Tabs on web browser


Think I have found the problem and fix.  Could be that the meeting, when it was originally entered, has now expired though it can still be used.   Try going through PREVIOUS meetings, find the ones that don't appear as upcoming, click on edit and edit all of them (not a single occurrence) and change the date on when the meeting expires.  This just worked for me. 





I have exactly the same problem as a host.  It started yesterday, all my non expired meetings disappeared.  I have rescheduled some of them via the web portal.  These now appear in the web portal but not on the laptop 'app'.  Some of them have disappeared altogether the moment I pressed 'save'.  I've updated my 'app' and that doesn't help.  I've spent an hour trying to fix this without success.  Very frustrating.


I too am having this issue.  Mr Oates I am the host and still unable see  upcoming  meetings from the web page.


I, too, am the host and all of the meetings that previously appeared are gone.


I have the same problem. I can't see  my booked meetings anywhere (I am the host) in Outlook, which I could before. Right now I have a recurring meeting I want to delete, but as I can't access it, I can't delete it. Please help!



I am having this problem now!


Hopefully Zoom are getting onto this as it is becoming a rather annoying bug to put up with daily. I input the meetings for a group of my peers using their individual accounts and even they, as the creator of the sessions, are not able to see the meetings either in the web version or the desktop.

It isn't specific to one and they are not all the same. We all use Outlook and the sync definitely helps finding the meetings in a pinch but for anyone who is having this issue and is not so lucky to be using Outlook Calendar, I can only imagine the extra frustration this causes.


This is posing quite a problem for my ministry zooms!  I am unable to see neither scheduled nor previous meetings.  It shows that I have none.  When I am able to log in, I do not show to be the host and am unable to show videos that accompany our lessons.



I'm a Mac user and I, too, am having the same issues as everyone else here.  Sometimes my meetings are posted on my account and other times they are completely missing.  Mostly they are missing.  I only schedule via the app.  I don't schedule on my Google Calendar.  


I am not sure I am using this correctly, but did anyone have an answer when you are the Host but on the zoom website it does not show Upcoming Meetings- even though it was scheduled a few weeks ago.


Mr. Oates, as you can see from the messages here there are a number of people experiencing this. I am the host of all of our meetings and for some reason, I now have some meetings not showing and can only see them if I type in the meeting ID. This started recently. 



I also cannot see a meeting scheduled for 7/21 in the Zoom app or I can see it in my Google calendar, including the Zoom link.


I am still unable to see a meeting I scheduled via Outlook when scheduling from ZOOM desktop for Windows 10.  



This is such a strange issue that doesn't seem to have a specific reoccurring factor to why it's happening. I can state our company didn't have any issues for the past few months when creating meetings until last week when a reoccurring meeting my CEO has would not show up on her desktop app but it would on her mobile phone. The reoccurring meeting was set back in February 2022 and has been used all year.  Getting back to why we didn't have any issues since June - we didn't do anything different or have a fix implemented, the issue seemed to just go away on it's own and now it's back again.


Poo bum wee is all I have to say about that 🙂


At my company, employees went the opposite route and just specifically use Outlook calendar for any scheduled Zoom meetings. I guess on the site, even if the meeting has been accepted and shows up under upcoming meetings of the desktop application, I think online the upcoming meeting section of your profile is tied to something else. I can still only see previous meetings but it doesn't seem to be a problem using Outlook calendar. I guess with the upcoming meeting tab on your profile page within Zoom, you would need to be the host of the meeting to have it show up under the upcoming meeting tab. I just wish that wasn't the case and would act the calendar attached within the desktop client. 


I have a similar problem but mine just started yesterday.   I am hosting recurring meetings.  In the past they appeared everywhere.   While they show up on my laptop, now they do not appear in the zoom app on my ipad or iphone.   I need to be able to join each session on both my laptop and my ipad in order to teach my classes.  


Help - I am having the same issue.  I've been on hold with support for 28 mins so far.  Why are no upcoming meetings, other than reoccuring, showing up in my Zoom account? 


Thank you, this thread helped me work out the issue. This is my experience:


Problem: my meetings no longer showed in the Meetings, Upcoming Tab. 

Set up: I use a booking invite (via Mircosoft Bookings) for people to select their own booking day and time. This invite includes a recurring Zoom meeting at a set time (for example, every day at 1pm). The zoom meeting showed in Upcoming Meetings within Zoom.

Discovery: After reading this thread, I discovered that my previous recurring meeting time had a setting with an expiry date. As that expiry date has now passed, the meetings no longer show in Upcoming.

Solution: I went into Zoom, Meetings, Previous meetings and edited the Recurrence. I changed from a set time and date to "No Fixed Time". My recurring meeting now shows as a Recurring Meeting under its own heading (on Upcoming meetings tab in Zoom). It has retained the original Meeting ID and Password.



Opinion: When I first set up my recurring meeting, Zoom had the option to select "Until end date". This has now changed within Zoom settings. I am a little concerned that the meeting ID could expire after 365 days (as per the support link below), but I will be able to manage that in the future if needed.


I also found this link to be helpful: This link may also help:


Hope that helps.



I am also the host and where I used to see a listing on the left hand side of my screen of all my upcoming meetings listed by date and heading they no longer appear.  This makes copying the invitation very cumbersome.  Please provide a fix.