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Zoom meetings disconnected and NOT reconnecting


I have read the message board and there is a theme that does not seem to have a solution.  I get disconnected from ZOOM with a message that says Zoom Meetings is not responding.  This happens around 30 minutes into the meeting. I have had two 1 hour meetings today and both of them had this problem  On weekends it does not seem to be this bad and I know its not my device because during COVID I did not have this issue.  I have purchased a plan and would like to get my money worth and I am always getting cut off during a one hour tutoring session with my clients.  Honestly its embarrassing for both your company and mine. 


I have solved this issue by turning off my computer, turning it back on, making a new ZOOM meeting, this works sometimes other times, ZOOM says I am still in a meeting that I am clearly disconnected from.  


Has ZOOM found any solutions to this issue yet?


I have Windows 11

Surface Pro 9

I use Drawboard during my tutoring sessions

all APPS are up to date


Please tell me there is a possible fix to this issue.


Thank you



Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer



This sounds like your device is running out of resources or perhaps overheating.


Have you checked the Zoom dashboard to examine what resources your  cpu has at or near the time of the crash?


Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 20.19.52.png 

is there a way to monitor your device temperature? 


Depending on your Zoom licence type you could send a  meeting  problem report and client logs. These problem reports and logs help the Zoom Support team troubleshoot the issue and arrive at a resolution. 



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