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Zoom crashes while recording meeting on new MacBook M1 Pro


Hi, I can have a regular zoom meeting with no crashes, however when I turn on recording, the app will crash within 30 minutes. Usually its as a quick as 2 minutes. Please advise.

107 REPLIES 107

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @Amy_A 


Could you confirm the client version that you are running?  Also, can you confirm that you did install the M1 specific Zoom client?

M1 specific Zoom client Version 5.9.1 (3506):


Have this answered your question? If so, don’t forget to mark the reply as an accepted solution!



Hi! I should have said that I have kept up with updates to Zoom - I'm using the latest  5.9.1 - made for m1. It basically forces the m1 version on you. I am also using Monterey 12.1. I had hoped updates would fix this but it continuously crashes.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Thanks for the quick reply.  Could you possibly when this happens again click on the show details on the error so that we can see the exact error it is throwing?  It should assist in understanding why this is happening.


I have a zoom meeting at 4pm EST - in 30 minutes, I will repeat this and download the show details and post it ASAP. 

Hi, I have the same problem with a macbook pro M1. I'm using ZOOM 5.9.3 and it crash twice in the pst 2 weeks while recording localy. The first time it crashed after 30 min and the second time after 1h30. We were 3 participants in the meeting. 



I have the exactly same issue! and I have downloaded the M1 specific Zoom... 😞 

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @yukarip please see my reply above and post here if you have a moment.  Thanks.



Below is the crash report. I also had Console running during the zoom session. Would you like me to provide any additional details? Please see the PDF and advise.


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Thanks @Amy_A 

I've got the report.  Maybe just delete the report of your reply.


Thanks, figured this out.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@Amy_A Can you send me a screenshot of the version on your Zoom client?


Below is a screenshot


Please keep me updated on this. My zoom keeps crashing while recording on my M1 Pro. Hoping theres a fix!

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@danrourkeml Are you recording local or in the cloud?  And can you confirm your client version?


I am recording local... if that helps.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Thanks @Amy_A

We've been trying to simulate this.  Just trying to see what we may be missing.

Do you have any Anitivirus running?

Are you sharing while recording?

How many participants in the meeting?


If we can't get this done in the next reply or so then I'm going to get a support ticket opened for this so that we can get a live session going with you.



No we have no antivirus running. No, I'm not sharing with anyone while recording - my tech guy has been working with me for the past month or so on this issue and has been gathering the necessary information you have asked for. The meeting participants are 2 people - between me and a client. 


Great! I'm available tonight for a live session.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Thanks Amy, I'm going to get a ticket created for this as it may be an issue with the client itself.  The log says you have 5.8.6 which is not the latest.  Could you maybe just confirm that if you click the "Check for update" on the Zoom client that it says you are on the latest version?


It says it's on the latest one. 5.9.1. Do you want me to create another log?

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

No that fine.  Think it is time for a support ticket.  I'll get the team involved to open for this for us.


Will you email me or should I continue checking on this board?

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

You should have received an email with the ticket number already. Let me know if you didn’t?


No. We haven't received the ticket number yet. We just checked our junk email too. We'll let you know when we do. Ty.

OK, I'm sorry, I found it.... I was receiving a bunch of emails from Zoom and it got hidden from me. I clicked on the link but the link is opening to a page not found. Should I wait for another ticket?

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Yes, I just looked and the ticket is logged and waiting for assignment.  Support should be connecting with you shortly.


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @Amy_A Just checking in to see if you have received the ticket?



Hi! Any update on this?

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@danrourkeml Can I just confirm that your app also crashes specifically when recording locally and without any sharing happening?  I'm just gathering some information for support.


Correct. Happens during zoom call when recording locally. 

Exact same issue


I would also liked to be notified when Amy's issue is resolved as I am having a same issue.  Thank you. 


Hi, I also have this issue of the Zoom client crashing when recording locally on a new Mac M1, in one-person meetings with no screen sharing.  Using Zoom 5.9.1. Would love to know if there's any resolution to this. Thank you!


I had a podcast recording today on zoom and sure enough, it crashed mid-call. I think I clicked "report to zoom" and I think it's sent out but I was in a hurry to get back on the call I didn't deal with it tight then. Anyone know how we can see the report? 

I do interviews on zoom and almost always record, so I would really like to have this issue resolved. 


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@yukarip and @PaperLion can both of you please confirm that you have the Apple M1 specific Zoom client installed?  Could you possible also do a uninstall via the "Uninstall" menu on the Zoom client and then reboot your Mac (you must reboot) and then reinstall from this specific link?  Even if you currently do have the M1 specific version installed, please do the full uninstall, reboot and then reinstall.


Install this specific version.



Yes I do have the M1 specific zoom.  Will uninstall and reinstall via your link as per your request. 

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@yukarip Did you get a moment to try this?


Hi. I did the uninstall and reinstall but haven't had the chance to do any zoom yet. Was about to ask a friend for a test zoom. Will report back. 


Jumping in to say I've been having this issue for a while as well, also on the new MacBook Pro with M1 Max processor. I think the issue has to do with the Silicon/ARM64 build of Zoom, because when I install the Intel version of the app instead, I do not run into any crash issues.


When it crashes, I too am recording my Zoom calls locally and running the latest version of Zoom Silicon. Yesterday I recorded for about a hour before it crashed. I'm attaching crash logs.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@andrewsims Can you confirm that you do not have any AV or any other security programs running?
