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ZOOM Desktop Freezes on Macintosh ( What can I do to resolve this?)


Hi there, I updated my Macintosh Operating System to Monterey (12.2.1) and now the video and audio freeze randomly during most sessions.  My previous IOS was High Sierra running on a 2010 iMac, so I doubt it's a problem with the speed of my internet connection or Wi-Fi.  That system ran well with only occasional freeze ups.


Here is what I am running now.


On a 2019 imac

8 core Intel Core i9 process

64 GB Ram

Monterey 12.1.1 Operating System

Firefox  99.0.1 Browser


Here is what I have tried so far.


1. Restarted my router.

2. Checked my Wi-Fi connection.

3. Turned Video Processing on and off.

4. Reloaded the Zoom Desktop Client.  Version: 5.10.1

5. Reviewed my firewall settings.

6. Turned off Add Blocking Software.

7. Zoom  though Firefox using their ZOOM extension with no improvement.

8. tried to use Zoom from my online account only, but the system requires that I download the desktop client. 


Does anyone have any thoughts on what I can try next?