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When playing video-file in ScreenShare can participants choose to see my video-file only, no faces?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @PeadarMangan21 


Yes - they should be able to change their view by clicking on the banner at the top of the screen, or using the View menu.



Hello Rupert,
Thanks for taking time to reply – much appreciated. Since I posted my discussion topic I have been exploring view menu options. It may be of interest to some others to hear what I 've discovered so far, about what participants can do to change their view of the Host's screen-share while his/her video file is playing.

While his/ her video is playing:
1. In the view menu, top right, choose standard and full screen.
2. To the right of the green banner at the top of the screen there is a black and white banner called View Options.
From the drop-down in View Options choose so that : Zoom Ratio will Fit to Window.
From the same drop down menu choose on Hide Video Panel

In a test meeting with my brother as Host and me as Participant, this sequence enabled me to view the video he was playing, without  seeing our faces on-screen at the same time .

I was using a desk-top computer. I don't know how the sequence would work on an iPad or Phone.
I hope this helps somebody.
Best wishes

As Host, whilst screen sharing a video movie which has important detail in the top right corner, I wish to switch off my video thumbnail on all participants’ screens for the duration of the screenshare without them having to take any action themselves.

How can I do this?