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When I share my screen in presenter view, my notes are visible to the other party.


I need your help and collective wisdom, I am having some issues while sharing my PowerPoint presentations and viewing my presentation notes at the same time (I want my presentation notes to be visible only to me, not to the participants). I have both MacBook Air and mac book pro m3 laptops, I have the same issue on both.

1) When I do Presentation View in PPT slideshow options, everyone can see my presentation notes in the side panel. I want only me to see the presentation notes. What can I do to prevent others from viewing them?


2) When I do Basic Screen Sharing of my PPT, I cannot see my presentation notes in the side panel. So when I choose Advanced Share Screen - and make a section of the screen, it appears as a blurry quality resolution for most participants. The framed part of the shared slide appears clear on my side, but not for everyone else.


3) Before sharing, I open my own slide in presenter mode. Then when I say share screen, only the 'share in presenter view' option appears. No other option appears.
However, when another friend tries it on his own computer, three options appear: 'share in presenter view', 'share in slide show' and 'share in power point'. When my friend opens presenter view on his own computer and clicks 'share in slide show' in the screen share options, the presenter notes appear on his computer, but the notes on the other side do not. His computer is also a macbook pro m2.
I wonder where the problem is, can you help me?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @Fırat01.


Take a look at this guide I developed for presenters at conferences I produce: 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

The "PowerPoint Slide Show" option you mentioned in your article does not appear on my computer. How can I do it? My computer is a macbook pro m3.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

@Fırat01, Did you already start your Slide Show in PowerPoint as pointed out in the instructions? (That’s an essential step!) If so, it might be named something different on the Mac, but you can also look for the window (not a screen) that has the full-screen view of your slides. You might have to click a button to “show more windows” to see them all. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Even though I looked at all the options, I still can't find the "PowerPoint Slide Show"  option. On my friend's computer, the "PowerPoint Slide Show"  option appears. When I do it from there, the presenter view opens while the participants open the normal view. In other words, they cannot see my notes. But when I do it on my own computer, the "PowerPoint Slide Show" option does not appear. Only the presenter view option appears. And when I select it, the presenter notes that are visible to me are also visible to the participants.


Who can I contact regarding this matter?

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Ray's advice is very good - read the document. When you share a SCREEN it is exactly that - one screen. Make sure you are choosing the PowerPoint Slideshow and not the screen/view with the presenter notes. Are you using Powerpoint as a cloud app or a desktop app?

On my computer, the 'PowerPoint Slideshow ' option does not appear. I use the Powerpoint program as a desktop.

My friend and I have exactly the same applications (power point, zoom, etc.). Only his computer is a mac pro m2 and my computer is a mac pro m3. The options you mentioned appear on it, but they do not appear on mine.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

@Fırat01, sorry to say you’re not going to get personalized service on this unless you are on an Enterprise-level plan or willing to pay for Premium service from Zoom. 


Thousands of people do this screen share process every day with good results – I’m confident you can too, with a little troubleshooting assistance here on the Community. 


It would be helpful if you’ll provide a screen shot of your Share Screen window showing all of the available windows. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Thank you for answer. 

I already use zoom pro. My friend's version is free but the options you mentioned are visible on him. But they are not visible on me. I took a screenshot of the options but I can't upload them here.

I can actually verify that whilst Ray's guide worked for me about a year ago, now when I get to the final step there doesn't seem to be another tab that appears with the presenter view to switch back to, any time I click on powerpoint it just goes straight to the slides I'm already sharing. The work around I've found for this on new Macs is by following Ray's steps 1-5 and then going back to the slides you're already sharing and an icon that looks like a lectern in front of a screen should appear in the Touch Bar, tap that and it should switch you to presenter view but still be sharing your slides with the rest of the meeting!


Also a Mac user and frustrated that when I share the PowerPoint while using Presenter View - I either lose Presenter view (Zoom just seems to take over) OR everyone can see my speaker notes.  I finally found a solution.  Hopefully this can help someone else.


Start off in Presenter View on the PowerPoint.  Command Tab to see all your open applications.  Click on Zoom.


On Zoom, go to SHARE > Screens.  Zoom will have two window versions for your PPT.  One in presenter view, one with your PPT in Slide show.  Click the Slide show version.

Now IF your Presenter View disappears - on the PPT - go to the bottom of the slide where your PPT toolbar is and click on the three dots within the circle.  A window opens up with the option to click on "Use Slide Show".  Presenter View will reappear for you, while your audience only sees the Slide Show.  Whew!