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Viewing Zoom Meetings Archive during retention period


Hello Zoomers - We have Zoom Meetings Archiving enabled.  In the dashboard, I can see it archived the meetings but I cannot find a place within Zoom to view the contents of the archived files (mp3, mp4, vtt, etc).  I am an Admin with full permissions to access anything in our account. 


I know these files are accessible via the Archive API but I want to view them on Zoom directly before developing apps to make the APIs calls necessary to retrieve these meetings. Our archive retention period is set to 30 days so this should be possible.


Is there an Archived Meetings page I am just not finding somewhere?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @Sean_007 ,


Be aware that it is VERY easy to inadvertently record a meeting to your "Local" computer instead of recording to the "Cloud". In that case you will not find the recording within Zoom's GUI.


If you are sure that you have recorded to the cloud then it sounds like you are looking for "Recording Management" , which is located  in the Zoom Admin section.


Account Management > Recording Management


Once in Recording Management you should be able to click on a given recording and download, share, delete the individual files created durning the recording.


Hope this helps!



Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

@Sean_007 you can only retrieve/download the archvied data using APIs today.