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Updated Zoom Desktop - now every video is glitchy


I have seen multiple posts of this and hoping someone can help.

5 days ago (2/28/23) I restarted laptop and the Zoom Desktop updated. From here on out it has started glitching when I participate or host a video (worse when I host and moreso when I share my screen). 

Here are the steps I have taken:

  • Checked my own Wifi Speeds 660/80 up/down
  • Uninstalled, reinstalled, and restarted Zoom.
  • Unchecked the two optimized boxes for Video Settings.
  • (my laptop is an HP Envy and 3months old)


What am I missing?


I host 40+ meetings a week. This is quite disruptive. Help if you can thank you!



 both my old laptop and my new one were doing the glitchy video thing, too, and I think i fixed it based on a Zoom staff member's suggestions that now I can't find again. Problems started back in November with updates, and more & more users were having issues with each update. Tech development were able to reverse engineer the problem, and suggested the denoise fix, which I just found today, but I figured "if turning off one optimizer is good, turning off MORE optimizers must be better.

  • In video settings, I switched OFF HD and selected "original ratio". That INSTANLY stopped the flickering in my test video.
  • UNchecked "touch up my appearance"
  • in advanced settings: UNchecked "optimize video quality with de-noise"
  • UNchecked all the hardware acceleration boxes
  • set all video rendering & capturing to "auto"
  • vowed to stop fiddling with backgrounds & filters

I told my host that I "dumbed down" the video settings, so my video was turned back on, and the last 20 min of my meeting had flawless video.

Another meeting participant said she upgraded her video card, and that fixed the glitch & flash for her. But, I wanted a no-cost solution.