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Screen Share a Google Slides Presentation with Presentation Notes


When I make a Google Slides presentation in Zoom, I like to have the notes in one macOS Space and the presentation in full Screen in another Space.  However, what I found was guests are not able to see the presentation until I switch to that space.  This presents a problem because I am not able to move my presentation notes to the presentation space without reducing the size of the presentation.  Is there a way to make this work?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

It is not clear if you want to show the guest the presentation notes or you just want to personally view the presentation notes. Any presentation that is full screen when shared will have no room to show anything else on the screen without covering up some part of the presentation display. You might try sharing the application window instead of sharing the screen, share a portion of a screen, or use a screen share template.


Hi @storyhub.  I just want to show the full screen presentation to the guests and view the presentation notes in another space for myself.  However, when I share the Space where my full screen presentation is, when I am in the Space where my presentation notes are, they are not able to see my presentation.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Be sure you are sharing the APPLICATIONs window and not the screen - then the window does not need to be shown full screen on the display for Zoom to share it full screen . Be sure the presentation window and the speaker notes window are 2 separate windows, preferably on 2 separate screens if you need the presentation window to use the screens full resolution. I tried this on a PC and changing the window focus behaved as expected.


Hi @storyhub, I am using macOS and Spaces is equivalent to Virtual Desktops in Windows.  As Google Slides is web based I am sharing a web browser window on one space, while I have the presentation notes as a pop-up window on another space.  I have only one physical monitor.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

If you follow the instructions you do not need to use virtual desktops and one screen will still work.

I realize that I can have two separate windows on the same screen share the Application window with Zoom, however, when in application is in full screen mode in macOS any additional window that is added causes the screen to half.  This causes a problem when I have both the presentation notes and presentation on the same screen.  Things would probably be better explained with a screen shot however, I am not able to add screen shots or links to a screen shot without the following error showing up:


"Your post has been changed because invalid HTML was found in the message body. The invalid HTML has been removed. Please review the message and submit the message when you are satisfied."