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Running a Zoom meeting with a guest in a Corporate environment


I ran a meeting the other day with a single guest. The guest told me that after she clicked the meeting link and went into the meeting, a message came up saying words to the effect that certain features of this software will be disabled. I don't know the exact wording I'm afraid as the guest was in a big hurry and had to conclude our short meeting very quickly.


However, it seemed everything worked normally. For example, the guest was able to share their screen and I was able to have remote control etc.

Has anyone seen this before? Why/how did this message come up and what is the impact on Zoom's functionality? Is Zoom somehow restricted for attendees in company accounts?



Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @pmaddern –


That sounds to me like a security alert on whatever device the user was using — from the operating system or other add-on software. I’ve seen similar messages on Macs and some PCs with proprietary software (like on my HP tower) that adds extra security. I doubt that message came directly from the Zoom app. 

If you get more information (a screen shot would be helpful!), come back and we’ll see what other help we can give you. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.