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Is there  report where I can run to show who becomes a host for each meeting when the actual host leaves?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @Lulu0913,


The direct answer to your question: I cannot find a reference to any report that would tell you who inherited Host designation when another Host leaves or abandons the connection.  All reports relating to Hosts really do look at who initiated the meeting, not anyone that later inherited the meeting.

Also note that meeting reports are not available for free accounts. See this Zoom Support article for details.


But this information might be helpful: Normally when a Host clicks Leave, they are prompted to assign another Host from the list of available participants.

In the case of a network/computer failure causing the Host to abruptly lose connection to the meeting, the system will assign someone, starting with Co-Hosts, if any.  Hosts should always designate a trusted participant as Co-Host, if they don't want control falling into the hands of "just any participant."


Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.