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Removing registration requirement before an event


Hi Everyone,


So I'm planning on setting up a meeting wherein registration is required but before the meeting actually begins, I want to remove the registration requirement so that people can just join in.


Has anybody tried doing this before? Just wondering if there are any problems I need to be aware of.





I'm interested in doing this also.  Did you try it, & how did it go?

From what I've seen elsewhere, seems like the main potential issue would be that for "registration required," each registrant gets a unique, individualized URL for the Zoom link--every registrant's link is different. 
    If you remove the requirement to register after the meeting has been created/scheduled (assuming that's possible), then that should generate a new, non-individualized Zoom link.  Will the individualized Zoom links created earlier still work?  Don't know. 

If that's a problem, this article offers info that could be used for a work-around (haven't tried it):
"Q: Can someone join the meeting without having registered?

A: Officially, no. You have to register to join a meeting that has registration on. You then get a unique link, just for you. However, if a participant receives their approval email, with the meeting link, they could forward that email to someone else and that person could join the meeting using the link that was forwarded to them. In that case, they would appear to join as the person that registered. So you could end up with two people in your meeting by the same name, having joined from the same link."
[from ]

Hi, it seems that OP may not have tried it, but did you, @PrintHead1436 ?