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Recurring meet anytime


I've been using recurring meetings- meet anytime for 1:1 meetings that occur randomly through the week. Today I tried to schedule a new one, but the function for "meet anytime" is gone. Support article says it should be listed under the "recurrence" drop down, but I don't see it there. It seems like it was forcing me to put in a specified date and time for recurring meetings, which really just doesn't work for what I need. 


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

This is called a No Fixed Time meeting. It is very handy. Here are the steps and a screenshot. 

  1. Sign in to Zoom.US
  2. Click Meetings
  3. Click Schedule a Meeting
  4. Check Recurring meeting
  5. In the Recurrence drop-down list, click No Fixed Time (screenshot)

I hope that helps and please make sure to mark the solution as accepted if this information is what you need.



Unfortunately this doesn't work, 'No Fixed Time' is not available in the drop-down list

Unfortunately I am not able to see the drop down menu next to the Recurring Meeting. I was using this feature before and I don't see it now.

I found the option accessing through the web portal not the app, question here is why the app does not have it

no fixed time does not appear as an option for me 

Thank you SO much. This worked for me easily and it's such a relief to still be able to set up recurring meeting with no fixed time. It would never have dawned on me to go into web portal. Thanks.

what are the steps to go to the Web Portal to resolve this problem?


This option does not exist any longer and I dread seeing all of the recurring meetings listed and the need to drop down to the previous meetings listed as "no fixed time" at the very bottom of the list....It's very messy to view my list of meetings in this way



I'm having the same issue as well. The solution posted in this thread doesn't work because the option is no longer there for a recurring anytime meeting.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

I just tested it, and this feature is still available. I have a Pro account. Image is attached.


I'm having the same issue and there is no option for "no fixed time" under recurrance.

This seems to have suddenly changed for me. Last week I was able to set recurring meetings for 'any time', now that's gone.  Really not good for me as a counsellor, as I see the same clients week after week, but at varying times. Why has this function gone?

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Please try the following. I did this today, and No Fixed Time meetings appear when scheduling a meeting. 

  1. Sign in to Zoom.US
  2. Click Meetings
  3. Click Schedule a Meeting
  4. Check Recurring meeting
  5. In the Recurrence drop-down list, click No Fixed Time (screenshot)

I have a Zoom One account (Pro account). This also works on my company's paid account. 


When I do that the only options listed are daily, weekly or monthly.  I have a paid account. 


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Just to check. You are on the Zoom web portal? I know this isn't located in the Zoom app. See my Zoom app screenshot attached. Please let me know. Thanks.

Thanks so much for your help. Your screen shot is exactly what I see. But if I sign in via the web portal it seems to automatically open the app. I need to work out how to stay in the web portal. 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Thanks for the update. 

I don't really know what you mean. I am on my laptop, not my mobile. I first joined Zoom by going to th website. Now I can find 'Zoom' among the apps on my computer. What should I do, start off by finding Zoom on the web?


The point is that the functionality has been removed from the desktop client.

No - that option is not present!

It is simply and plain super frustrating the fact that Zoom arbitrarily decided to remove such a critical feat. So unnecessary all this headache. Off-topic but equally frustrating it is the need to continuously log in to the desktop app every time one opens it. All this along with so many weird and unnecessary things this app suffers from. Respectfully, It is like the developers or their leaders behind Zoom embrace a sort of left-threaded worldview and approach to the app's GUI. Zoom used to be quintessential in my workflow, but lately, all these endless iterations of nonsense changes make me wonder about my Zoom subscription investment worthiness.  I need a business catalyzer as Zoom used to be, not a source of frustration around the corner every time I need to use the app for productivity. Regards

Thank you. I just tried this by logging in on Zoom's website (web portal, not the Zoom app - like you mentioned) & it worked. The Recurring Meeting with the "No Fixed Time" option was there. 

Me too. It suddenly changed just a couple of weeks ago. I am a counselor too that this does not work for me. 

Me neither. I'm in UK if that makes any differencr

Chris, the option has been removed from the desktop app. This needs to be rolled back immediately. The only way to schedule "no fixed time" is to use the web browser login - there's absolutely no reason the app shouldn't have this option also.

 Some of my any time meetings are no longer working, though others still do. This is crazy. Why have some of my customers retained the privilege of an anytime meeting, while others have lost it, in which case I have to book repeat meetings at a scheduled time each week?

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hello. No Fixed Time is on Zoom on the web. It is not in the desktop app. I combined two images into one. Image 1 is Zoom on the web with no fixed time available. Image 2 is the Zoom app Version: 5.16.2 (22807) where no fixed time is not available.  I hope this helps. Please click Accept as Solution if it answers your question. 

Thanks for clarifying.  I now have found the "No fixed time" option in the web version.  The problem is that it takes several added steps to use the web version for scheduling meetings.  Why would it be taken out of the desktop client?!

I have been scheduling No Fixed Time (NFT) meetings through the Zoom web app. The challenge I'm facing is that the list of these NFT meetings doesn't contain all of the ones I've created. I've probably created 20+ NFT meetings, but the Zoom web app currently shows only 4. Any suggestions?

One of my recurring meeting, set up before this change, has disappeared too


I'm having the same issue, since the software update a few days ago. I have been scheduling "meet anytime" recurring meetings for two years, and suddenly the option is gone. Is there going to be a fix for this?


Is this problem going to be addressed in a new update?  After doing an update today, I am observing the same issue.


Also having this problem. @chrismenard7 The option is available on the web client (as you show) but has disappeared from the desktop client. 

exactly!  and not on Mac.   Hope Zoom will read this and put back the recurring meeting without specified date and time.  


The "meet anytime/no fixed time" feature is still available if you log in to Zoom via a web browser and create/edit your meeting there.  The feature is no longer (hopefully "not currently") available in the Windows "thick" client (it used to be, but the drop down only lists monthly, weekly, and daily now).  I hope that Zoom puts the feature back in the Windows client.  If I get a chance, I'll check the thick client on a Mac, too.

Thank you!

thanks for this- this really helped


thank you after going round and round you showed me the way!

I am on a Mac with the same Zoom account (paid) through my university.   Like others have said, with the latest versions in 2023, the recurring meeting option for no set time, is suddenly not available.  The pull down menu only lists Daily, Monthly and Yearly - not "no set date."  It used to be when you clicked on "recurring meeting" - it did away with choosing a date and time.  It was perfect for meeting with students at various times.  The student would keep their meeting ID and password and we didn't have to worry about scheduling specific times, which is a pain.   Why would Zoom get rid of this feature?  I'm not using an app or phone - I'm on an iMac desktop computer.  Can someone please help?  Thank you!