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Recording button not availiable


When a licensed user schedules a meeting and adds me (also licensed user) as "Alternative host" (under the Advanced Options) I do not have access to the Record button in that meeting (its just not shown, as if Im a "normal" participant) only the user that scheduled said meeting has access to record the meeting (we record the meetings localy on the computer).

This was changed somewhere around the last 24 h?! It worked fine yesterday...


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@HH3 - If you are not starting the meeting or the host takes back control after you start the meeting, then you are not actually taking on host capabilities.  They would need to assign you co-host permissions once the meeting starts to give you certain host permissions.


I am the host.
The person that scheduled the meeting isnt even participating, they just planed the meeting for me (and added me as Alternative host).
I do not have access to recored the meeting (button not shown) but when the person that scheduled the meeting (we found that out as we troubleshooted this bug) enters the meeting (I automatically become co-host), only they can record. Even if they changed the host back to me, I can not record.

This was not like this yesterday, so we are really confused about what may have changed to cause this...

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@HH3 - I would have to have a meeting to look at to see what was going on behind the scenes.  Are you saying this is happening with all meetings where you are an alternate host now, or was this a specific one?  Would you be able to open a support ticket so engineering can look at the meeting data and get a better answer?

The not showing of the record button for alternate host is for all meetings, wether planed in the past or today, for all accounts from our company.


We have a temporary fix in the settings > recording > Record to computer files > Advanced settings > "Hosts can give meeting participants permission to record to their computer" turned on. but this should not be the "normal" way to do this.


I tried to open a ticket yesterday, it is not easy for a non-native speaker to explain this to another non-native speaker and esp. to simulate this bug (without three people present).

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Do you have a ticket number for the problem you opened?

The Ticket number assigned to this issue is: TS1408629

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@HH3 - I will be adding comments in the ticket.  Looking at those meetings, I can see the alternate hosts joining and being made host, so at that point they should have had local recording enabled.  Hopefully we can get engineering to look at them since something is not adding up.


thanks, any help on this issue is greatly appreciated