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Recording Management

Contributor I
Contributor I

Are we able to obtain recordings from hosts who are no longer part of our account? (Employee was offboarded a couple years back, but we'd like to access one of her recordings)


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @NocturnalDC.


I don't know the definitive answer... but I do have an educated guess.  I believe any "abandoned" recordings (recordings that no longer belong to an active account) are treated like any other recording using the default settings: held for 30 days then "trashed" for 7, after which they're gone.


Based on it being a couple of years, I doubt it.  But if you are an Admin, you should be able to Admin ->  Account Management -> Recording Management and look for it there.  If it exists, you should be able to see it... if you don't see it there, then there's little chance you'll be able to retrieve it.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.