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Post-Call Surveys


We have a very complex flow design that attempts to limit hold times by automatically triggering a rollover to our answering service if our internal agents are not available. We are attempting to figure out the best way to notify callers that they will receive a post-call survey without having our agents be the one to notify them. The main issue we're trying to address is that based on how post-call surveys are initiated, there are many endpoints within our flows where an caller may not reach the queue with the post-call survey. These are the options that I've currently identified with our associated concerns. Would be interested to hear if anyone has a similarly complex set-up and how you've built in post-call surveys. 

  • "send media" - survey notification is provided as part of the flow.
    • ISSUE: Entering the flow does not mean that an individual will connect with an agent (rollover calls) and if we tell a caller they will get a survey and they don't this could cause confusion.
  • "Queue interruption" - messages can be communicated to the caller using the interruption function so when attempting to connect to an agent in the queue, they would hear the message.
    • ISSUES: An agent may answer the call prior to the message finishing. Callers could still rollover and would not reach the survey possibly leading to confusion.