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Participant screen disappears when sharing screen (host & non-host)


When I attend a meeting, or when I host a meeting, I would share my screen from time to time. Out of 5 meetings I have attended in the past couple days where I have to share my screen, 4 of them, the participant window disappears as I start sharing, and I cannot retrieve the participant window. This happens regardless I am the host of the meeting or not. 


Evidently, this has happened to three of my colleagues as well!


I see that this has been an issue mentioned in the Community in different variations. Please address this ASAP.


PS. I always keep my Zoom upgraded to the latest, and this unfortunately happens more often since I upgraded Zoom Workspace this week!



Same here. I'm desperate as I must see the kids when I'm sharing a photo or items 



I’m having the same problem with the new zoom workplace update. The participant video disappears when I share a photo. Sometimes even the editing told disappear. The only way I can see the participant once I share a photo is to leave the app and then the small icon box of the participant video shows up. This doesn’t work for me at all as I’m a teacher and need to see the participants when I share photos. Please help asap. Thank you. 


I have the same issue.  I have been successfully using zoom for large trainings for several years. Suddenly since zoom workplace update I cannot see participants when I screen share with dual monitors. I have researched the issue thoroughly and tried all the suggested solutions without success. Show video panel option not available


I will have to cut off my zoom subscription if this is not rectified asap. Sad but no way can I continue working this way

Hear Here!



I have tried uninstall and install the latest zoom version. It helps a little. 

This bug still sometimes comes back, so I figured that changing this setting would help:

Under Zoom's general setting, uncheck the box "Use Dual monitors" (PS. I use two screens for my work) when you share screen would make the participant window re-appear. Odd functionality, but it works!



I reinstalled Zoom when I first encountered this problem. I also unchecked "Use dual Monitors" but I then rechecked right away so I didn't test it with that unchecked. Am I correct that you are recommending that I can use Dual monitors with "Use dual Monitors" unchecked. 

So I think Zoom has a bug on disappearing the participant window when the box "Use Dual Monitors" is checked when you are sharing the screen.

So I'm suggesting that that if you are sharing content on your screen, it's better to uncheck the box "Use Dual Monitors", so that you can still see the participants in another window.

If you are viewing the shared content by another participant, then you can either leave it checked or unchecked (based on your preference). I prefer having the box checked if I'm viewing the content so that I can see all the participants in my team in another window.

My content or stage window still disappears on a Mac. I need to be able to share this in order to teach. I tried downgrading my version of Zoom to see if that helps. It disappears ONLY upon share

I'm not sure about the MacOS, if the dual monitor button didn't work, I'd suggest re-installing zoom, because the latest version and the earlier version on Windows didn't make any difference.


I have this problem as host on a Windows laptop.