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No phone number provided w Calendly integration


From Calendly, I initiated a Zoom integration. Now, when people schedule meetings with me, they get a link, but no phone numbers to call in. How do I get the phone numbers? (They only show up if I make the invite from Zoom myself.)


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer


I use Calendly too. The zoom meeting invitation email is generated within Calendly, and you’re right – they don’t provide any dial in info.  I think they’re trying to keep the information simple, so there’s just the link. You can set a Calendly meeting to allow the person to select either phone call or Zoom meeting; if they select phone call, they have to provide a phone number and you call them directly.

Any change you want should be directed to Calendly.

Note that you could send a follow up email to your Calendly participant and include the full Meeting invite.

My preference:  I prefer to meet over Zoom, so I only allow for a 15 minute call by phone via Calendly – a 30 or 60 minute meeting has to be set up over Zoom only, and I prefer not to have phone participants.  But that’s just me!

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Contributor III
Contributor III

You are correct that Calendly does not include phone numbers in the invite. However you could send a follow up email with the phone numbers yourself. Alternatively, there are a range of scheduling solutions that let you book Zoom meetings and include the phone number in the invite. There are several Zoom apps for scheduling that can do this including Salepager.