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My First Hosting Experience


I set up my first Zoom meeting today as the host.  I have been on many Zoom calls and I have always been sent a link to click on to join the meeting.  Today I scheduled my meeting, added the email addresses on my participants and closed out the site.  I did not get any type of notification that my meeting information had been sent to my participants.  Is this normal or did I miss something in my set up?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

@Don5 – if you set up registration-required and entered participants, you’re probably okay. The host won’t get the confirmation notices.  I find most people just send the Invitation text directly to their invitees, but doing registration works too. 

You might find this Zoom Support article helpful in learning more about the registration notification options and processes. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.