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Merge Meetings and Calendar in Zoom Desktop Client

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I have searched at both the Zoom Admin level and the user level to find the recommended solution provided by @CarlaA to this issue, and the solution doesn't exist. When I search for the keyword Merge, I get this response: No Setting Found. I have people at my organization who DO NOT want their calendar and Zoom meetings to be merged mainly because they are responsible for setting Zoom meetings for other leadership in the organization, and they need to be able to quickly go in and find what they need and fix it. 


I need a solution to this issue. 


Please advise. 



After the last Zoom Windows app update, I lost the ability to see my meetings tab.  I'd had unchecked the "merge Calendar and Meetings tabs" setting when the "feature" was originally introduced and disrupted my technical life. I went to look for the setting on the cloud Zoom instance, and found it was no longer there.  I have two computers. The one that has an updated app lost the ability to see the Meetings tab.  The one that has not been updated has the tab available to me.  The Meetings tab should be restored.  I agree wtih OP.  When I started using Zoom its beauty was its simplicity.  Now it has been integrated with corporate systems with increased complexity and loss of flexibility.

I'm afraid Zoom will just gaslight us and ignore this problem for years like they've now done with the Original Sound by default issue.  I have no confidence that Zoom even cares about this.

My words are my own and do not represent anyone or anything else.

@Khirschmann They do keep referring folks back to @CarlaA's solution on that other post which doesn't even exist any longer. But because someone marked it as "solved" they think it's fine. 

Exactly.  Gaslighting!

My words are my own and do not represent anyone or anything else.

And it makes me wonder if they don't have AI bots answering these posts! LOL

Same issue here. Hopefully a solution soon.

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Same issue here.  I don't pretend to be the world's most sophisticated techie, but I'm also not a complete moron, and I've been using Zoom w/o any problems since March 2020. Why have they suddently made it so difficult to find the Meetings tab? What possible logic is behind this glitch? When will it be resolved (really resolved, not the carla link that's useless)?

@LVB, what they did makes no sense. And I need a fix. There are people in my organization who need that Zoom tab back ASAP. And not having a workable solution and no response from anyone from Zoom here is adding to the frustration of the situation. 


I completely agree. I need Zoom for meetings not for calendar. They have messed up the UI again and I will be looking for alternatives before the next billing cycle.

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New Member

Same here, I'm an educator and every workaround to the Meetings tab (opening Zoom links from Google calendar events, hunting for them in my email, logging into my campus LMS to find the right meeting) adds time to my workday. All queries on this forum point back to @CarlaA 's reference to a slider that doesn't exist anywhere in the app or online settings for me. I'm echoing you in the hopes that enough references and @s might actually make a difference.


This does seem to me a clear example of what Cory Doctorow has written about as the "ensh--tification" of technology platforms, when they systematically degrade their own services once their base is "locked in" to using them.