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Meetings being cancelled by zoom after client booking through your meeting link


I had the strangest experience.. 

My clients use a link to book meetings with my business which has zoom connected to it via an API so once the meeting is booked the hosting location will be Zoom right.. 

Recently I had a client book a meeting using the meeting link and I then after receiving a confirmation on one end that I have the meeting booked I had an email from Zoom stating "You have successfully deleted the below Zoom meeting." 

I perhaps thought there must have just been a system error but it completely canceled the meeting without my input, which is sitting in my recently deleted section on the zoom website, however I never deleted any meeting and have no answer for my client as to what actually happened that I was unable to attend the meeting.. 

If this has happened to anyone before please advise if there is a setting that I can change that does this, or is this not a common occurrence?




Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@Mathemagics - Are you using the Zoom Scheduler for doing the scheduling, or a home grown/3rd party application?  If it is through another application, I assume it also has the ability to cancel meetings if it is able to create them?  Are there any logs to show if that application sent the cancelation?