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Meeting Poll: Unable to start new poll in active meeting


I have reviewed several pages of questions related to Polling in Meetings and do not see this question answered.  Apologies if I've missed something.


We have long had the feature turned on to allow hosts to create a poll before OR DURING a meeting.  I have one Pro user who never sees the option to begin a Poll in real time during an active meeting.   When I start a meeting myself, as another Pro user, I also don't see a Polling option.  

We are both updated on version  I have not inquired of anyone else in our organization if they are encountering the same issue, but if two of us are, presumably everyone is.  Screenshot attached shows my Zoom menu bar (nothing under More except Live Stream options).
Please advise.


Thank you,



Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

When you are unable to use polling in a meeting, is that meeting a scheduled meeting or an instant meeting? 

The other user always schedules meetings, never instant meetings.  When i tested from my account, it was an instant meeting.

So, polling cannot be used for instant meetings with random IDs, but if you set Zoom to use your PMI for instant meetings, then that's fine. 


As for the other user, i'd have them check their settings to ensure polling is enabled on their end, as well as making sure they are recognized as the host in that meeting. Scheduled meetings should be able to create polls during the live session, unless the system doesn't recognize them as the actual host. 

If the polls have been pre-created by the original host then all co-hosts should be able to launch the existing polls. But, if polls haven't been created prior to launching the meeting, only the original host will be able to edit/create during the meeting. Once the host creates a poll then the co-hosts will see the Polls button on the toolbar.


From this article link:


By default, only the original meeting host can edit or add polls during a meeting. If the host or co-host role is transferred to another user, that user will only be able to launch polls already created. Alternative host can add or edit polls, but the host must enable the setting for allow alternative hosts to add or edit polls when setting the alternative host. 

Jeff Widgren

Jeff Widgren | Host of the Zoom Test Kitchen