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Meeting Break out room assignment issue


Hello! I had a meeting with 150 people, set up 74 breakout rooms to pair people off (not including host/co-host),  and set it for Zoom to assign the rooms. I have the second session of the meeting tonight and dearly hope someone can help in time.  Two issues:

1) Participants received invitations to join breakout rooms. It seems some were assigned but didn't actually join, leaving some folks in a room by themselves. Is there a way to handle this other than looking at each room and manually moving people who are by themselves?


2) Participants could not leave the breakout room and return to main room. Why might this have happened and how can I avoid it? I did not set a specific time limit for the breakouts, since I could tell it would take me a while to get everyone into paired rooms, so they'd be starting at different times.

Thanks so much for your assistance!


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

You need to check Automatically move all assigned participants into breakout rooms if you want to force entry, otherwise they can choose to not join (see below).


You need to check Allow participants to return to the main session at any time if you want them to be able to leave on their own, otherwise they must wait for the host to return them back (see below). See the complete article via the link below.


Options for breakout rooms

  1. After creating the breakout rooms, click Options (on Windows) or the gear icon 

     (on macOS) to view additional breakout rooms options.

  2. Check any options that you would like to use for your breakout rooms.
    • Allow participants to choose room: Participants can select and enter rooms on their own once rooms are launched. 
    • Allow participants to return to the main session at any time: If this option is checked, the participants can move back to the main session from their meeting controls. If this is disabled, they need to wait for the host or co-host to end the breakout rooms.
    • Automatically move all assigned participants into breakout rooms: Checking this option will move all participants into the breakout rooms automatically. If this option is unchecked, the participants will need to click Join to be added to the breakout room.
    • Automatically move all selected participants in breakout rooms to main meeting: Checking this option will move participants to the main meeting session when breakouts are closed, rather than giving participants 60 seconds to wrap up their discussion and prompting the users to leave the breakout room. 
    • Auto close breakout rooms after () minutes: If this option is checked, the breakout rooms will automatically end after the configured time.
      • Notify me when the time is up: If this option is checked, the host and co-hosts will be notified when the breakout room time is up.
      • Set Countdown timer: If this option is checked, the participants will be given a countdown of how much time they have left before being returned to the main room.
      • Follow the steps below to assign participants to rooms or click Open All Rooms to start the breakout rooms.
