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Local recording isn't converting, giving me error


For years I have been recording my pilates classes to my computer and then they convert to one file which I put on my desktop. I download this to youtube and send it out. Recently, after stopping the recording, it tells me that there is another recording converting, so it can't do this one, yet I can't find where the other file that is converting is. When I look at the recordings in my zoom account under local, they are now in two parts instead of one.  I am at a loss where to find other converting video and how to get back to my original way of doing it . Thank you in advance for your help.  Gretchen



You are not the only person having issues!  Although my error message is worded different, I am also having issues with the ".zoom" files (stored locally) failing to convert from native format into MP4.  I have made a lot of meeting recordings over the years, almost all of them saved to my local drive = this has happened only 2 times, but both of these times were this month.  The file location is the same, and I do have space on my drive. After finding this post, I also discovered 4 other posts all on same issue, and all are recently dated Sept & Oct 2023.  I suspect a software bug may have been introduced with the most recent update. 


Linda, I am glad I am not the only one but this doesn't help our cause.  I recorded it to the cloud today and was able to send it out to my group after.  For my purposes, this is ok but I don't know how long those videos are available, and on youtube they last forever.  Thanks for your input.  Gretchen 


I have a similar issue except for me the recordings simply aren't being converted and when I click on the 'double click to convert' nothing happens. 
I have been using Zoom for years without issues but since October getting glitches. Also not able to launch the Desktop client by clicking on a zoom meeting link / URL - I have to go into the client and click 'start meeting'


Stevie, Sorry for your troubles. As Linda stated above there is certainly some bug in the latest update.  I continue to record to cloud and then share it this way.  You have an added complexity.  Have a good Thanksgiving.