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Listing recurring meetings alphabetically


My meetings are "no fixed time recurring meetings". I have a long list. I have named each recurring meeting according to the name of other person/s attending the meeting. On my phone and iPad the list is organised alphabetically. On my computer there appears to be no obvious system to the way the list is organised.  Having the recurring meetings listed alphabetically on my computer would be helpful. How do I do this? Rosalie



I'd send


I don't know what "I'd send" means. 


This started happening to me around the first of the year and it drives me crazy! They used to appear under Recurring Meetings in alphabetical order. So I click on the Meetings tab, then back on Home and the Recurring meetings show up in alphabetical order. Strange work around, but i couldn't figure out how to set the default for Recurring Meetings to be in alphabetical order like they used to be.

I came here looking for an answer to this too.  Agreed, used to recurring meetings, no fixed time, would alphabetize.  Sometimes it wouldn't and you toggle between home and meetings and it would alphabetize.  Now, they show up completely random even by shutting down zoom and reopening or even restarting computer.  Is there a Zoom moderator here that can help??



Clicking the "Home" tab, then clicking the "Meetings" tab, restored it to an alphabetical list for me. Thanks!

It didn't restore it to an alphabetical list for me unfortunately. 

Contributor I
Contributor I

Right.  That always worked for me too until recently as of about a week ago.  Are there ANY Zoom moderators here that help?  I've been quite disappointed in Zoom customer and technical support recently.

Same problem for me. I would also like to see a Zoom moderator sort this out.

Is this just a user forum without any Zoom moderators or other support?  Other companies like Dell , Ring, etc. have moderators there that actually help.

Me too! Impossible to find a direct contact email or phone number. Bad customer service!


I spent ages on the support chatbot with no luck. Then I discovered, only someone with a Business Account, (not just a paid for account) can talk to a real person, If you are, or know someone who has, a business account, could you or your friend please contact a real person in tech support to sort it problem out. Fingers Crossed.

Contributor I
Contributor I

Unfortunately I don't know anyone with a business account.  I too recently learned that apparently a Pro account is not good enough for live tech support which is absurd.  That's why I came here in the apparently misplaced hopes we would have knowledgeable Zoom moderators but, noooo.  


here is what I got back from a ticket I created.  Despite carefully describing the issue, here is what they said.  They clearly don't understand the simple fact that as of about two weeks ago Zoom WOULD automatically display recurring meetings in alphabetical order.  I did find a lousy work-around though.... You can search for a meeting with the magnifying glass and then launch the meeting but it is very cumbersome.


"I understand that you have query about arranging your upcoming meetings session appearing in your desktop client or web portal. I am glad to assist you with this.
I did testing and also searched for any updates about the option to arrange meetings on how they appear in the upcoming list and unfortunately as of the moment it does not have any ability to be arranged to a certain way including alphabetically. The meetings will appear depending on their schedule so the meetings at the top are usually the meetings that will start soon. Although this suggestion of a feature to arrange the meeting list by alphabetical seems to be interesting and our engineers would love to hear it from you. I recommend to submit a feature request regarding this so that they can consider including this feature in the future updates. In order to submit a Feature Request to our Product Team, please visit
Please follow us at and review our Release Notes for new product and feature announcements.
Let me know if you have further questions. "


I don't know why this worked, but I just clicked on the first name and changed the dates for the recurring meeting.  After I saved this, and I have no idea why, my meetings went back to being alphabetized.  So maybe that will work for you too.

Regardless of whether this hack works, this is maddening and Zoom should really fix this.

This worked for me, too!  Thank you for sharing!

It worked for me too BUT then as someone else reported, it reverts back again and you have to go through the whole process again of toggling a meeting between monthly and no fixed time again to get it to list alphabetically again.  Anyone have a solution?

Thanks. That worked. Mine areal no fixed date. I gave oe of them a monthly date and saved it. And they alphabetized. Then I made it no fixed date again and they stayed alphabetized for now. I understand that they will probably become unalphabetized again, but this is a good temporary fix until Zoom fixes the problem. Thanks again!

But this fix is temporary. After a short while it becomes unalphabetized again.

thanks.  seems to work for me too.  This is frustrating


Hi Listener,

I had one client at the top of the list that was not recurring. I edited the date. Then decided I didn't need the listing at all and deleted it. All my recurring clients have 'no fixed date'. I clicked on home, then meetings, and it's all back to being alphabetised. Thank you!

SashaR, thank you SOOO much for this tip!  It worked for me as well and I wanted to post in order to let others know this is the FIX!  So, go to the first list meeting in your list of meetings, click on edit, click on the meeting time "no fix time" (it'll change from "no fix time" to whatever day/time it currently is) and then change it back to "no fix time."  Then go to your list and you'll find when it refreshes, it's alphabetized again!  Whoooo whoooo!


So all my meetings are recurring and "no fixed time" but I edited the first one and simply toggled it between "monthly" and then back to "no fixed time" and voila!  They are all alphabetized again!  Thanks so much SashaR for posting this.  I'll now have to see if it reverts like it did for Breakingground or holds.  Either way, I am totally disappointed there is zero Zoom support on this forum.  I created a ticket for this and it appears they went looking in the community for answers to this rather than assign one of their technicians to solve it.  Once again, they suggested I submit it as a feature suggestion.  They just don't understand this WAS an inherent feature for years and not something new any of us are requesting.  


This worked for me too. Thank you! I migrated to a new computer and updated my zoom and like you all the sudden my whole list was in no particular order. It was also making it really hard to move from meeting to meeting quickly. Hope it sticks but for is fixed. Thank you all!


I did the same thing as SashaR and it worked too. . .for a bit.  And then it reverted.  But it seems like if you do that every time (change the top meeting from No Fixed Date to weekly or whatever), it realphabetizes.  But this is a really stupid and aggravating bug in the software and Zoom should absolutely fix it.

I just posted it worked for me but I'll be curious to see it it reverts again as you noted.  I agree, this is a problem that Zoom should fix.  See what I wrote above.  


How can we all get more traction from Zoom to actually solve these issues AND have a Zoom moderator on these boards to help out paying customers?? !!


Hi Folks,

I use my latest work around first thing in the morning, and it works with all my clients all day, but does not stick when the computer is turned off.


I found the easiest way to deal with it, is it open the first contact, click on 'edit', toggle 'Enable Continuous Meeting' back and forth, save and close 'send invite' window that pops up.

I request again, please, if anyone is a business user, kindly tell the powers that be, they broke something that worked. It is not a new feature to automatically list contacts in alphabetical order!

Best regards,


Agreed.  This is really aggravating on so many levels:

1. As Sasha says, this used to happen automatically and now it disappeared and responses I've gotten from Zoom are to "request this feature" when all along it was an INHERENT feature already there.  And this shouldn't even be  feature!  See next...

2. This is such a functionality to have in the first place.  You can even sort things by price or reviews or whatever on any site - Home Depot or TripAdvisor for instance and I'm paying for a Zoom subscription!

3. No one from Zoom seems to monitor these sites unlike just about every other manufacturer sponsored forum I participate in where company moderators are happy to step in with solutions _ Dell for instance.

4. I'm a Zoom Pro subscriber and not entitled to live phone support to even discuss this with Zoom?  Why??


To have to toggle modes every time you use Zoom to enable alphabetical ordering is beyond absurd.  The only other way I found to locate a meeting without having to scroll through PAGES of meetings is to use the search function, hover, and then it will display meeting details and you can launch the meeting.  

I edited a meeting from "No Fix Time" to "No Fix Time" and it worked!!!! 

The question is whether it remains that way or not.  It also worked for me but then quickly reverts back.  Zoom is of no use.

Contributor I
Contributor I

Based on the number of responses to this thread, may I  suggest that ALL of us contact Zoom support via their web inquiry form (as we know, we aren't even entitled to phone support even with Pro subscription) and report this en masse.  I already have and they don't even acknowledge this already WAS an inherent feature and have asked me to write back to them and submit as a feature request.  This isn't a feature request!  This is a bug or result of one of their recent upgrades and we need to all tell hem that.  I think we should also all add there needs to be a zoom agent or moderator on these boards, just like you find on about every other board like Dell etc. to step in with answers or advice.  Not being able to call tech support directly is just the icing on the cake - being sarcastic here now.  Here is the link to submit a request to fix and ask why we can't have phone support as paying customers or why there isn't a Zoom agent on these boards.  Please sound off if you  will write in please!!

Thanks for this great response. I totally agree, and I will write them now! 

Submitted! Thanks for adding the link to do that so easily. 

Thank you for the link. I filled out a bug issue and wrote to this link.

Have a good holiday, everyone.


Just found my contribution:

2023-12-25 05:51:00 PST - sasharosen@alchemypsychotherapyservices. Additional comments

Dear Technician,

Unscheduled, recurring meetings used to be alphabetizes by 'Meeting'automatically from the beginning, now they don't. This was broken by updates.

For a time, there was a workaround, that worked (Clicking on 'Home', then 'Meeting').  Now it doesn't. The current workaround is clunky and time-consuming and doesn't stick.

The absence of this feature is a bug. Restoring it, would be fixing a bug, not adding a feature.

You will see it is a major issue for a number of Zoom paying clients if you look on the newsgroup, Listing recurring meetings alphabetically. 

There are other folks with the same issue on other listings, and even more who do not know how to find the list or the newsgroup.

Frankly, this is a major headache. Some folks have said they will go back to SKYPE.

The absence of automatic alphabetizing makes Zoom look amateurish.

Please do what you can to restore this much needed feature.

Stay safe and well. Have a happy holiday season.

Kind regards,


Contributor I
Contributor I

Appreciate you doing this.  If enough of us chime in, maybe, just maybe, we can get action on something that shouldn't even be called a "feature".  It's just too basic of a function to be a feature!



Just submitted my comments. Let's go everyone!

And Happy Holidays!

Contributor I
Contributor I

Thanks to all that have submitted this as a bug.  I heard back from a supervisor.  They just don't get it.  They continue to maintain that Zoom is behaving normally and reliable and consistent alphabetical display of recurring, no fixed time meetings, was ever possible.  We know they are wrong.  If you haven't already written and submitted as a bug, please join us in doing so....


"By design, the sorting of meeting and recurring meetings are by scheduled start date and time. For those meeting with no fixed time, they appear at the bottom after all the meeting with date and time. The no fixed time meeting really do appear in a random order and this is how it was set for a while now. I understand that for some reason your recurring meetings with no fixed time are being sorted alphabetically before and now it is not. This is not a bug, it is just that it is really being arranged normally in a random order using a PC. I can see a user posted in the community blog that using a phone or iPad, the meetings are being sorted alphabetically. "


It's a bug and we will fix it soon.

Contributor I
Contributor I

@DLChen are you a Zoom technician?

Contributor I
Contributor I

I am getting a bit of traction on this from Zoom technical escalation department.  However, they still dispute alphabetical ordering ever worked, nor can they get to work using the workaround discussed here - toggling between weekly and then back to recurring/no fixed time (but that only lasts for a little while).  Therefore, if you have not yet submitted a ticket about this PLEASE help us out by doing so now. Let them know Alphabetical ordering DID work by default before all these updates and we want it back without jumping through silly workarounds that only last a few hours before it reverts.   It only takes a few minutes to submit a ticket here, and if tier 1 support claims it never worked in the first place, ask that your ticket be escalated.......