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Linux Version Zoom microphone TEST REPLAY does NOT work.


I'm running Zoom on Linux (Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS) on an older Dell-XPS-L322X machine. When I try to use the Mic test, I can SEE that the volume indicator in the Test Window indicating the rise and fall of the sound.  However, i never HEAR the playback of my "testing 1-2-3" although if I continue on and connect with another user, sound and video both work. 


I suspect this is either a programming error in Zoom or the Ubuntu audio driver, but I can't solve in nor have I found others with same problem.  (Yes, I've removed and reinstalled both the OS and Zoom.)



I have a very similar problem. The linux mint apps pavucontrol and gnome-sound-recorder show I have a good microphone but Zoom shows it not working in the test screen.


my system config Is:

terry@txlNewDell:~$ cat inxi.txt
Kernel: 5.15.0-107-generic x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 11.4.0
Desktop: MATE 1.26.0 wm: marco dm: LightDM Distro: Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia
base: Ubuntu 22.04 jammy
Type: Desktop System: Dell product: Inspiron 3880 v: N/A
serial: <superuser required> Chassis: type: 3 serial: <superuser required>
Mobo: Dell model: 05GD68 v: A00 serial: <superuser required> UEFI: Dell
v: 1.17.2 date: 12/28/2022
Info: quad core model: Intel Core i3-10100 bits: 64 type: MT MCP
arch: Comet Lake rev: 3 cache: L1: 256 KiB L2: 1024 KiB L3: 6 MiB
Speed (MHz): avg: 800 min/max: 800/4300 cores: 1: 800 2: 800 3: 800
4: 800 5: 800 6: 800 7: 800 8: 800 bogomips: 57600
Flags: avx avx2 ht lm nx pae sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 vmx
Device-1: Intel CometLake-S GT2 [UHD Graphics 630] vendor: Dell
driver: i915 v: kernel ports: active: HDMI-A-1
empty: DP-1, DP-2, DP-3, HDMI-A-2, HDMI-A-3 bus-ID: 00:02.0
chip-ID: 8086:9bc8
Device-2: Chicony FHD User Facing type: USB driver: uvcvideo
bus-ID: 1-10.2:9 chip-ID: 04f2:b658
Display: x11 server: X.Org v: compositor: marco v: 1.26.0
driver: X: loaded: modesetting unloaded: fbdev,vesa gpu: i915
display-ID: :0 screens: 1
Screen-1: 0 s-res: 1920x1080 s-dpi: 96
Monitor-1: HDMI-1 mapped: HDMI-A-1 model: Acer CB242Y D res: 1920x1080
dpi: 93 diag: 604mm (23.8")
OpenGL: renderer: Mesa Intel UHD Graphics 630 (CML GT2)
v: 4.6 Mesa 23.2.1-1ubuntu3.1~22.04.2 direct render: Yes
Device-1: Intel Comet Lake PCH-V cAVS vendor: Dell driver: snd_hda_intel
v: kernel bus-ID: 00:1f.3 chip-ID: 8086:a3f0
Device-2: Best Buy INSIGNIA NS-CBM19 type: USB
driver: hid-generic,snd-usb-audio,usbhid bus-ID: 1-1:2 chip-ID: 2034:0105
Device-3: Realtek USB Audio type: USB driver: snd-usb-audio
bus-ID: 1-10.1:8 chip-ID: 0bda:4837
Sound Server-1: ALSA v: k5.15.0-107-generic running: yes
Sound Server-2: PulseAudio v: 15.99.1 running: yes
Sound Server-3: PipeWire v: 0.3.48 running: yes
Device-1: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet
vendor: Dell driver: r8169 v: kernel pcie: speed: 2.5 GT/s lanes: 1
port: 3000 bus-ID: 01:00.0 chip-ID: 10ec:8168
IF: enp1s0 state: up speed: 1000 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter>
Device-2: Intel Wireless 3165 driver: iwlwifi v: kernel pcie:
speed: 2.5 GT/s lanes: 1 bus-ID: 02:00.0 chip-ID: 8086:3165
IF: wlp2s0 state: down mac: <filter>
Device-1: Intel Bluetooth wireless interface type: USB driver: btusb v: 0.8
bus-ID: 1-8:4 chip-ID: 8087:0a2a
Report: hciconfig ID: hci0 rfk-id: 1 state: down
bt-service: enabled,running rfk-block: hardware: no software: yes
address: <filter>
Local Storage: total: 4.55 TiB used: 1.69 TiB (37.3%)
ID-1: /dev/sda vendor: Seagate model: ST1000DM010-2EP102 size: 931.51 GiB
speed: 6.0 Gb/s serial: <filter>
ID-2: /dev/sdb type: USB vendor: Seagate model: Backup+ Desk
size: 3.64 TiB serial: <filter>
ID-1: / size: 707.79 GiB used: 66.19 GiB (9.4%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda5
ID-2: /boot/efi size: 146 MiB used: 83.1 MiB (56.9%) fs: vfat
dev: /dev/sda1
ID-1: swap-1 type: partition size: 2 GiB used: 1 MiB (0.0%) priority: -2
dev: /dev/sda6
System Temperatures: cpu: 27.8 C mobo: N/A
Fan Speeds (RPM): cpu: 1131
Processes: 249 Uptime: 4h 19m Memory: 7.5 GiB used: 1.18 GiB (15.7%)
Init: systemd v: 249 runlevel: 5 Compilers: gcc: 11.4.0 alt: 11/12
Packages: apt: 2185 Shell: Bash v: 5.1.16 running-in: mate-terminal
inxi: 3.3.13