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Instructor login option missing


My instructors have been experiencing a problem opening their meetings.


When they click on the link for their evening Zoom call, the option normally present at the bottom of the dialogue box is missing.  


I've attached a capture of what the person SHOULD see.

The instructors are seeing a dialogue box; unfortunately, they do not have the option to login. The line that  SHOULD be at the bottom of the box "If you are the host, please LOGIN to start this meeting" is missing.


Any idea what might be causing this"







Have you ensured they are listed as host/co-hosts for the meeting?

Please remember to mark responses as accepted if they resolve your issue.
***Sometimes success is only achieved through many failures!***

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @eyore15


I believe you only get the login prompt if your client is not already logged in to a Zoom account.


If the Zoom client IS logged in to a (maybe different) account, it will not offer a login option - because it is already logged in (but to a different account maybe).





Well, problem not solved.


I have verified that the instructors are not logged in to Zoom. They still don't get a login option.

I'm using Zoom in conjunction with Moodle.  I put up a URL for the meeting; the one generated by Zoom.  It looks like this {*******800].  Thinking that there might be a problem with some sort of conflict between Zoom and Moodle, I provided the URL to the instructors so they could access it directly. I tested the link on my computer; it opened a launch window and allowed me to connect and open a meeting.

When the instructors clicked on the URL, it didn't allow them to open the meeting.

These instructors are in geographically separated locations, so I can't see what they see. They, unfortunately, aren't tech-savvy enough to capture screenshots/video.

Any idea of where I can go or what I can do next to fix this will be greatly appreciated by all concerned.



