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I can't see my sign-in password


I just created my Zoom account today (Basic).  I went to My Profile.  I can see my Host Key but the Sign-in Password is ******.  How do I see it so I can Admit my friends to my Zoom account?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @Syuling,


What do you mean by "admit my friends to my Zoom account?"


And by Sign-In Password, do you mean the actual Host Key?


Click the eyelash and the Host Key will be visible.  If you want to change the Host Key, click the Edit link to the far right of the Host Key.


Be sure to read this Zoom Support article on the purpose of using the Host Key.  There's normally no need for your friends to have it.  They can get their own Basic account, and join your meetings.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.



Thank you for taking your time to respond.  


I can see my Host Key.  But I cannot see the Sign-In Password.  The only option for it is Edit; and it asks me to enter the Old Password. However, because I cannot see the Old Password, I cannot edit.  When my friend want to join my Zoom meeting, they need a password, right?  Isn't this the Sign-In Password?

Admit - when my friends want to join my account meeting, they are waiting in a "waiting room" until I "admit"  them.  

oops, strike that about Admitting.  If my friends are already in the waiting room, they have the Sign-in Password.  

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

No, they do not need your password.  You should remember your password - it's what you use to login to Zoom with.  Do not give that to anyone - it's what protects your account.


If you have scheduled a meeting and checked the Waiting Room option, then yes, they will be in the Waiting Room when they attempt to join.  You click the Admit button, either at the top of the Zoom screen, or in the Participant window - which you get by clicking the Participant icon on the bottom of your Zoom screen.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Thank you, I understand about the Sign-in Password now.

I have joined someone else's Zoom meeting before and they always tell me the Zoom number and a password in order for me to join in the meeting.  So, where can I find the password I can give out to my friends when they want to join my Zoom account?  Is it not in the profile?  


Under "Meeting" heading in the profile,  it only shows Personal Meeting ID and Host Key.  So, I'm confused.

