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How to remove thumbnail of speaker when recording?


How can I remove the speaker thumbnail when recording, so that only the shared screen is recorded, and no thumbnail/speaker is shown?


In Settings > Recording, I have disabled "Record active speaker with shared screen", "Record gallery view with shared screen" and "Record active speaker, gallery view and shared screen separately". I have also disabled "Display participants' names in the recording" and "Record thumbnails when sharing".


Finally, in the meeting itself, under Settings > Recording, I have disabled "Display participants' names in the recording".


Despite all this, I'm still getting a small black box for the active speaker in the top right which shows up in the recording, when I only want to see the slide presentation. Previously, I was able to get rid of this box by changing just the meeting setting to remove "Display participants' names in the recording" but now I cannot find any way to get rid of it.


I restarted the desktop version of the application after changing the configuration, but this did not help.