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Have a Pro account but meeting was cut off for me after 1 hour


After the cutoff, I rejoined by going to the link but had to join from my browser (Chrome). Prior to this had been using Safari to connect then copying url so I could conduct the meeting on Chrome. I think the message I got was something to do with not having permission.



I was not able to start the Zoom  on Chrome in the normal way. Had to join from my browser.


I just got a new Macbook Pro, so it's possible I need to update? How to do that? Also having difficulty getting the app to show up in my Applications.


Thanks for help!


Press Command + Spacebar and type Zoom, then press enter. That will launch Zoom.

Press Command + Spacebar and type Zoom, then click-n-drag the Zoom icon down to the dock. This will add a shortcut to Zoom on your dock.

Zoom doesn't disconnect automatically for no reason, including a 1-hour marker. If it happened to be 1-hour, I would ask if there were 30-minutes of inactivity, by chance. Because 30-minute disconnects due to inactivity is a real thing. If that is not the case, it may have been a network interruption, which is quite possible since it sounds like the Zoom meeting still had your original credentials tied up. Using a browser does in fact get around that.

When you start Zoom you'll see either your photo or initials on the top-right of the Zoom dialogue window. Click on that profile icon and look down the list for Check for Updates.

Hope this helps!

Jeff Widgren

Jeff Widgren | Host of the Zoom Test Kitchen

I am having the same issue - I have a Pro account, and after the most recent update my meetings are cutting off at exactly the 60-minute/scheduled time which is a huge problem given the nature of my business. I have totally logged out of Zoom, and also totally restarted my entire system but the problem persists. Is there a known issue with the most recent update?


I am having exactly the same problem. At 60 mins I get a message that my meeting will be logged off. Any fixes?