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Export Meetings into external Calendars (like Outlook)



is it possible to get a URL or ICS link for all the Zoom Meetings from an account that I can integrate or import in an external calendar like Outlook or Google?

I found the link to import events from external calendars into Zoom:

But unfortunately not the other way around!
Does anyone have an idea?
Thanks in advance 😃



Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

@ImmanuelVK There is no way to mass import your events outside of utilizing the calendar integration as above. 

You will need to manually download the available ICS file from each event you have scheduled if needing to do it that way. When clicking into each scheduled meeting from the "Meetings" tab in the web portal, there will be an Outlook (.ics) option that can be used to download that ICS file. 

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Hi  @J-Zoom-ATL, thanks for your Reply 😃

Hmm I had hoped that a mass-export would be possible. That's a shame.

But your 1st sentence makes me sit up and take notice: 
"There is no way to mass import your events outside of utilizing the calendar integration as above. "

→  So it is possible to synchronize the Zoom Meetings 2 ways with e.g. Outlook (both exporting and importing events from Zoom to outlook and vice versa) using the "sync" method of integrating e.g. Outlook?
As I understood it, that is not possible with the methods described in this link, but just import from outlook, not view Zoom events in Outlook:

maybe I'm just confused, and they're the same.
But since I wasn't yet able to activate the Sync for my company, I have no way of checking if it works both ways...

Kindly, Immanuel

@ImmanuelVK Apologies if I was misleading in my response. The calendar sync is only one directional from the calendar to the Zoom desktop client. The client will not sync meetings backwards to your calendar. 

However, you could schedule Zoom meetings from your Outlook calendar via Outlook plugin or add-in or from Google via the Gsuite add-on or the chrome scheduling extension. A change in workflow in that regard would remove the need to import meetings into those mediums since they would be scheduled there initially. 

Thanks @J-Zoom-ATL for the clarification.
Now I understood it.

Our company's problem is that we have 3 different Pro (Paid) Zoom accounts in order to be able to host at least 3 different parallel video calls happening at the same time (online Trainings, customer appointments, internal appointments).
And they still get onto each other's way, because if there are more than 3 video meetings at the same time, there is an error like "The Host has another call in progress". So my idea was to view all the Zoom meetings and see when which room is free.

But maybe I need to be asking a different question: How can we have more parallel meetings going on with one and the same account? Then coordination would be much easier.
Is that possible?

Kindly, Immanuel

@ImmanuelVK While not as cost effective, you can upgrade your account to a business account (minimum 10 licenses) which allows for up to 2 meetings at the same time. 


The cheapest option that I would pursue would be to setup a shared calendar that everyone has access to. Zoom meetings can be scheduled directly on that calendar or the calendar can have an invite sent to it which would then show all currently scheduled meetings at that time. The end users would still need to be responsible for knowing if they have double booked themselves, but it would allow better visibility to those meetings as a whole. 
This wouldn't increase the number of parallel meetings, but it may help with that visibility. 

You could also consider adding additional licenses and if there are no other "users" to add to the account, you can setup a service account to be used by each user. This account would need a mailbox, but if you used scheduling privileges for your end users they could schedule "on behalf" of the service account but they would still be able to be an alternative host for those meetings. 
The way I imagine it working would be if User Bill needs another license to schedule for, service account Bill2 or Scheduler 1 could be setup like any other user and scheduling privileges given exclusively to Bill. 
Same could go for Kim -> Scheduler 2 or User 3 -> Scheduler 3. 
This option would be more cost effective than upgrading to business and would allow each user to have another account to essentially schedule for so they don't overbook themselves. 
Reference: Scheduling-privilege 

Hmm that sounds like an option.

I will get back to my team with the idea.
Might come back with a few questions later ^^

Thanks so much for your ideas and help.
Kindly, Immanuel

Oh and I already schedule Zoom meetings from your Outlook calendar via Outlook plugin or add-in. That works greatly 😃

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer


So what is the purpose of bidirectional calendar sync? 



Has there been an update to this or does Zoom still not automatically add meeting to Outlook calendar when created within Zoom?

You can create a meeting in Zoom and have it auto-synced to your default Outlook calendar. I tested this by creating a meeting from the Zoom client app for Windows. I ensured that my calendar was showing up in the meeting creation process (it was auto-selected but I guess it can be changed to another outlook calendar added under Others). After saving the new meeting, it appeared in my Outlook calendar within the same minute. Additionally, I edited the meeting from the Zoom client, and the edits were synced within the same minute. Thanks.

Contributor III
Contributor III

You can use APIs to export all ICS files for Zoom meetings and add them to your Outlook or Google calendar. If you are not a developer there is a Zoom app, Salepager, that lets you export and share ics files for your Zoom meetings.