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Duplicate Calendar meetings


Hi - just started with Zoom today. When I set a meeting, it shows TWO meetings at the same time in my calendar.

What am I doing wrong? Thank you!


Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @AnthonyM need a bit more info from you! Can you share the calendar service you're using for scheduling meetings? Suggest trying to remove the calendar integration and re-setup the calendar and contacts integration

Zoom Community Moderator

Have you heard about Zoom AI Companion? ➡️ Check it out!

@RN I have the same issue. Please note that I have many calendars, including two enterprise exchange calendars. I use zoom with my gmail account, but all meetings I set up get duplicated into one of the exchange accounts (always the same one).


also, when I use the zoom app to schedule a meeting and select outlook as the invite, zoom selects that exchange account automatically as the sender and though I change that to my gmail account, the invite still ends up in both. 

Lastly, I have changed my outlook settings to default to the gmail account, but that hasn’t translated to zoom.  

I tried this, when I deleted the integration it removed the duplication. But when I re-initiated the integration the same duplication returned.


I have the same problem. WHen scheduling appointments in Zoom and populating to my Outlook Calendar (in Windows), I get a duplication of the meeting. Deleting either of the meetings seems to delete the zoom meeting entirely and it ends up in the "deleted meeting" tab on the Zoom Web portal


I have the same issue. Is there a solution?  Screenshot 2023-09-21 082158.png

I was able to remove the duplication from removing the integration. I do still have some duplication from shared calendars though. 

I'll try it out now! Thank you so much!


As I looked at the connected apps now, I realized that I don't have any. I thought I had HubSpot but that's not the case. 


Steps to Reproduce:


  1. Integrate Office365 Outlook and Zoom
  2. Create a calendar event in Outlook with no Zoom link
  3. Save the event
  4. Notice in the Zoom application that there is one event
  5. A minute later say "whoops forget to add a Zoom link"
  6. Edit the original calendar event created in step 2 and using the Zoom Outlook add-in to add a Zoom Link and save
  7. Notice in the Outlook calendar there is only 1 calendar event
  8. Notice in the Zoom app there is are 2 duplicate events. 

The problem is the original event with no Zoom link is kept.

Has anyone figured out a fix for this?


I am seeing duplicate meetings when using the Zoom Desktop. How do I determine how they are getting created? I am using Outlook desktop and I have office 365 install. Could the meeting be created from both and how do I determine which one?


I am facing the same issue.
I have multiple Google calendars synced with Zoom. Whenever I schedule an event in Google, it only shows one event in that specific calendar in Zoom. As soon as I create a Zoom meeting with the Zoom extension on that Google event, Zoom duplicates it to all calendars, but only the original one shows up in Google. The same thing happens the other way around. When I schedule an event in Zoom, it duplicates it to all calendars, but in Google it only shows one event from the specific calendar in which I created the event.

What I noticed is that the issue only occurs when there is a Zoom meeting attached to the event. When there is no Zoom meeting attached, Zoom does not duplicate it.

New Member
New Member

Has this been resolved for anyone yet? I am having the same issue. Invites with a zoom link attached to a meeting are automatically duplicated. One of them has a google calendar resource added to the attendee list, and one does not. It must have something to do with the room reservation integration.