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What I’d like to do is, when a join a zoom meeting via phone number

I want to have my name shown on the list of participants instead of my phone number


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

@Otnieltrrs  – I don’t think it’s possible for you to do this if joining only by phone. 

However, if you also join the video portion of the meeting, I think this is doable. The technical details are given in this Zoom Support article.


Your best bet is to join the video portion first, and enter the Participant ID  when dialing in by phone. This should associate your phone call directly with your computer login, and not create a “dangling” separate phone number in the Participant list. 

The other option of to call in first, then join the video portion afterward. The Support article indicates that you can enter pound sign (hash tag or #) and your Participant ID followed by another pound sign to associate your phone call with your video login. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.