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Designating Alternative Hosts To Get Around 2 Meeting Rule....


I am having an issue with the 2-meeting limit per user rule. I am the owner/admin for my company's zoom account (business licensed) and I have 5 other employees/users on my account.


I use an online scheduler (Acuity) to book meetings with clients via Zoom, but Acuity only allows one zoom account to be integrated so all meetings are assigned to my zoom account. 


I've currently assigned all my employees to have 'Scheduling Privileges' of my Zoom account so they all can see my meetings and take the ones that I assign to them. This is working well except when we schedule more than three or more concurrent Zoom meetings


Since all meetings are assigned to "me", it seems we can only have two concurrent meetings even if my employees run them without me logged in and/or present at the meeting(s).  


Is the way around this to designate an 'alternative host' for each meeting so now the user that I assign as an alternative host can run the meeting and it won't count against 'my" 2-meeting limit?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @RebeccaRFP.


Thanks so much for the complete description of your setup. This is an excellent use case for Scheduling Privilege!  Unfortunately the nuances and capabilities are sometimes difficult to grasp initially. 


Assuming you (or someone) knows who will be assigned to host each meeting, take advantage of the ability to reassign ownership of each meeting to the appropriate person. 

See How to transfer a meeting between users in this Zoom Support article for details: 


If this causes issues with Acuity Scheduling (it shouldn’t – but difficult to tell much about their technical implementation), please refer to their support system and ask how to set up client meetings for more than one Zoom user. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


Thanks Ray. I'm still confused though. In my zoom account, I've already given the other users scheduling privileges. How else do I reassign ownership? When I edit a scheduled meeting, I only have the ability to assign an alternative host. Is this what you're referring to?


Here's a hypothetical example:


-I have a licenced Zoom business account and I have 5 other users associated with the account (employee1, employee2, employee3, employee4, employee5)


-All 5 employees accounts are selected to have Scheduling Privileges for my account.  


-I have 5 available appointment times slots in my booking calendar for November 8th at 3pm. 


-5 different clients book all 5 available time slots for November 8th at 3pm so I have 5 concurrent meetings that need to be operated.


On November 8th at 3pm, how can all of my 5 employees each run one of the 5 scheduled meetings? 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

@RebeccaRFP, please make sure that your staff has also designated you as their Scheduling Privilege designee. Then you should see a line at the top of the Meeting when in Edit mode that reads, “Schedule For” and an indication that it is scheduled for you. Click in that drop-down and select the person to whom the meeting is being assigned, and Save the edit. Do this for each meeting, and the meeting ownership is transferred across the team, instead of all being assigned to you. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


@Ray_Harwood ok that makes sense now. I designated my staff to have scheduling privileges of my account but I never had them give me scheduling privileges to their accounts. That's the step I was missing. Thanks!