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Cloud recording did NOT record separate audio file for each particpant.


I just upgraded to a pro account and figured I'd take advantage of recording to the cloud. It appears that only ONE, mixed audio file was recorded, whereas I ALWAYS have 'separate audio file for each participant' selected in my settings; it's one of the reasons I use Zoom. There is nothing anywhere I can find on Zoom says CLoud recordings will be any different than local recordings, and have not had a reply from opening a ticket about this. Anyone else been through similar experience? Are my (4) separate audio files sitting in cyberspace somewhere without my access? I really need them for mixing purposes.  Thank you for any and all help. Tony.


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee


Unfortunately, there are a few distinct differences between local and cloud recordings. The ability to record separate audio tracks for each participant is only available for local recordings. Cloud recordings have more options that can be configured through web settings, but that is currently not one of them.




Hi @Bort Thank you for the prompt answer. I have a question for Zoom (and possibly for Bort, I'm not sure if you work for them or are just a helpful community member): why is this not made clear anywhere that I can see, either in the Settings, or when one clicks to save a recording on the cloud where the setting in Zoom has pre-selected Individual Audio Files, or in any of the online FAQs that I have searched, including the one you linked to? I would never have selected the cloud for saving had I known as much. Again, thanks for response. Tony.


Hi @LeagleAlien 

Not sure what to tell you. The option to record separate files is only seen on the desktop client, under the Local recording section of recording settings:

Screen Shot 2021-09-20 at 10.17.32.png

Every cloud recording setting is solely located in the web settings, where there is no such option available. 


If you would like to submit any product feedback or suggestions, I encourage you to visit our Zoom Feedback form. Thanks!

Hi. Thank you for this screen shot. For some reason, I can't find that screen. I have the paid version, but not sure how to access that screen. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

The settings are in fact in the cloud recording options. I would appreciate confirmation if this option is possible or not, as I don't have time to test and retest all the different configurations. 




Hi @Bort, I will provide the feedback, because it is evidently possible to select the Individual Files option and  also to select Cloud Recording once the recording starts, which is what I did. But I do appreciate your getting back to me. i will know for the future.


It would be great to be able to record separate audio tracks via cloud as well. Can I vote for this feature somehow? 


Why would I get a video file that is fine but an audio file that is blank when locally recording?