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Changing invitees (guest speakers) with a reoccurring meeting set-up


We have a monthly meeting with a core group.  The nature of the meeting is to invite different guest speakers which includes inviting different guests based on the subject matter.


1.  How can I avoid having the invite show up each month on a guest speakers calendar?  Currently Zoom defaults to sending that guest a notice (not sure what it says -- maybe cancelling the meeting for that person...?).  I'd like to invite them to one meeting only (they are certainly welcomed to come to others, but they're busy people and I don't want to clutter their calendar.)

2.  When guests acknowledge acceptance, they do not show up in the "yes" category.  Even though I know they have accepted, others invited have no way of knowing.  There are definite instances when it would be helpful to see who else is coming to determine if its worth someone's time tuning in...  How can I get everyone's yes/no response to register on the group invite visible to all invitees?