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Can't find all previous meetings


Hello Community,


I am able to view only a fraction of my previous meetings---and they are the oldest ones!  I read that I would only be able to view previous meetings from the last 30 days, but I don't think that's accurate.  I set the start and end times, and my previous meetings are still gone.


Please, can someone tell me how to view ALL of my previous meetings?


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @liesl 

Normal, one-time meetings are available for 30 days after the scheduled date, at which point they will expire and be removed from your account. Any meetings that are recurring, will remain for up to 365 days after the last scheduled date or or last use. It sounds like your older meetings are likely recurring meetings. You can find more details about meeting expirations on the Support site. 

Is there specific information you are trying to collect from the older meetings? Your meeting attendee reports are available longer than the actual meeting/meeting ID, so if that's all you need, check out the Reports section


Hope that helps and please make sure to mark the solution as accepted if this information is what you needed.

View solution in original post


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @liesl 

Normal, one-time meetings are available for 30 days after the scheduled date, at which point they will expire and be removed from your account. Any meetings that are recurring, will remain for up to 365 days after the last scheduled date or or last use. It sounds like your older meetings are likely recurring meetings. You can find more details about meeting expirations on the Support site. 

Is there specific information you are trying to collect from the older meetings? Your meeting attendee reports are available longer than the actual meeting/meeting ID, so if that's all you need, check out the Reports section


Hope that helps and please make sure to mark the solution as accepted if this information is what you needed.



I can see why you are a Community Champion!  Thank you SO much.  I still can't see those previous meetings, but now I know why ;-D

I agree!!!



I would like to see the past 6 months of history, meaning the date of use and durations of one specific recurring meeting (ID  824 1956 4249) that I host. I used to be able to see meeting and total log-in minutes, but I can't even find that. And like the original poster, I set dates to when I know I had meetings, and none show up.  Total minutes would be enough, but duration would be better.  I was hoping your answer above would have covered my need, too. Am I misunderstanding the info that is available for 365 days? 

Hi Bort - Is there anyway to recover a one-time meeting that has been deleted? I would like to create a template with the text description but it is now gone. 

Why are 1 time meeting deleted?  It would be nice to see your annual activity when reporting to other authorities.

I published a meeting ID to a group for a weekly recurring meeting. I cannot find the meeting in my Meetings list or in my Previous, despite trying a huge range of dates to find it. I'm guessing it ran past the initial 365 days and just has not been completely "deleted" yet. It is still possible for the group to join the meeting using the meeting ID and passcode. I can only join as a participant even though my account set up the meeting originally and I am listed as the host. I would like to renew the meeting ID and make it show up on my meetings list again so I can host it and manage it normally. Is there a way to do that?

This is exactly my problem! 

Hi Bort, I followed this advice but there is no record of my meetings; not even the one from yesterday. Why might this be?  My meetings were set up ad hoc rather than scheduled, if that's of any relevance.


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Instant, or ad-hoc, meetings will not be listed with your other previous meetings. Instant meetings are created when you click the start button and gone when you click the End button, so there is no lasting record of them besides your Reports, if there were more than 2 people. 

Bort, can I somehow reinstate a recurring Zoom link that I was previously using? It is not in my "previous" file but should be.  And if so, how do I go about doing that? 

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@SusanB do you still have the link to the meeting you want to use? If so, when you or someone else clicks on it, does it still work and launch that meeting? 

If its still an active meeting ID, you can potentially keep using it, but if not, its a lot more difficult to recover and reuse again. 

If you need a meeting that can be used over and over again, without expiring for a long time, I'd suggest either using your Personal Meeting Room, or scheduling a separate no-fixed-time recurring meeting. Both of these options can be used at any date or time, over and over, and don't expire until 1 year after it was last used. 

This is exactly what I'm looking for Bort! Thanks BUUUUUT I don't see ANY previous meetings and I just had one 1/3/2023 I also and looking for my past registrants and cannot seem to find them or a registration button. 


Good Morning, 

Is there anyway to list all the meetings I have attended in the last year? 

I have to verify from my end my attendance to meetings with a training program I am involved in. 

I have logged into these sessions but I would like to have a list of the meetings to submit to the training team. 





I had a meeting last week Thursday but it is not coming up on my account. I recorded the meeting too and there are no recordings in the tab either. It was only 5 days ago but it isn't on my account?

I need the meeting,i shared the ID as the one for an upcoming meeting


Thank you for the information. I have a similar problem except for the following
1) The previous meeting I am looking for was last week Saturday.  There is no record of the meeting. However I pulled down the cloud stored recordings and those are still there.

2) There was another meeting that I set up, that did not take place. The record of that meeting being set up was there an hour ago.  (I was able to edit it to change the date to reflect today - so that we have same log on details, which I sent out).  The meeting now mysteriously disappeared.

What is going on? Is someone - Hacker possibly messing about in our account?

Is it a bug in the Zoom system?

Am Lost!!!!!


I have had a recurring meeting for over a year (same Zoom link each month) and it has disappeared or expired and not in the list of my "previous" meetings. I"d like to reinstate the same link as it has been given to paid attendees and I'd prefer not to confuse them with a new link. Can this be done? I have the details. 



I can see this is an important topic so I add my only negative point about Zoom which has existed for so long now, indeed why are these meetings deleted and you need 10 clicks before accessing something as simple as a full history... + now it shows a start date and end date, but it doesn't work so why having this in the page if you're still blocked to 30 days?


I have been using the same link in a recurring meeting, and now cannot find the meeting in my list of upcoming or previous meetings. My client wants me to change the title of the meeting but I cannot find it anywhere! please help...anyone!!!!



We are having the same issue. A recurring meeting from last week that is months old vanished from the future and past schedule. How do we get it back?


Please do not mark this "solved."


I agree - this is a problem AGAIN in 2024 and like the previous comments gainframe, all of my previous information for several years is gone.


Here is another case where a provider "thought" they were doing an update to improve their service but defining a date driven previous meeting.  I had been using the same meeting ID for family events since 2020 when I first purchased a pro account for business. Now I can't find it. THANKS Zoom!  Maybe Teams is more user friendly and I might have to switch vendors since Zoom is willing to take my money but no customer support.