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Banned Zoom Account


Good Morning,


I am working with a client who utilizes Zoom to participate in virtual sessions. Recently while in a public Zoom meeting, the group was "hate bombed" and he was banned due to accidentally being identified as participating in hate speech. Him and the facilitator of the group have already completed appeal forms, but I was wondering if anyone has any idea about how long could the appeal/review take and/or if there is a another way to contact Zoom to receive additional assistance due to the negative impact this ban is having on my client's mental health?


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hi @apough! I'm sorry to hear about your client's issues with appealing their account deactivation. I know it has been a while since you initially posted, but I want to make sure you and your client received assistance. Let me know if you still need help getting this issue resolved. 

Thank you