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Background Picture wont stay for each session has to be applied each time.


One of our Executives has to reapply the background, a simple picture, each time he joins a new meeting. This seems to have just started recently. He uses the free account while we use Pro accounts to host/record, etc. His client is up to date, not sure why this just started happening. He's not very tech-savvy so we have to add it back each time he joins a meeting. Any idea?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

I'm sorry the Executive is having issues. I tested with my free/basic account and my Pro account. Both accounts kept the background I selected after exiting Zoom and going back in and starting meetings. Please do these steps and let us know if this works.

  1. Open the Zoom desktop app
  2. Update the app. Zoom version 5.12.2 is available for PC/Windows.
  3. After updating, sign back into zoom as the executive. 
  4. Click Settings (#1)
  5. Click Background and Effects (#2)
  6. Select a background or upload a background. (#3)
  7. Start a meeting with no one in it and see if the background appears.
  8. End the meeting. 
  9. Start another meeting and see if the background is kept as it should be.

I hope that helps and please make sure to mark the solution as accepted if this information is what you need.

This has been happening to me for maybe a month now. I am on Version: 5.12.8 (10232) 

The Behavior is... Every day, the first meeting of the day, I have to select a background. It sticks for the rest of the day but I have to do it all over again in the morning...



Same issue, across different platforms, computers, browsers.  No change. Not very professional appearances are presented. Using most current version.


Having the same issue.  Once set the background stays for the day but the next day we have to set it all over again.  Wish there was a fix for this.  Anyone else have any ideas?

Still an issue for us as well. We upgraded them to Pro, since it was only happening with his account, but that didn't help. All the other troubleshooting I did with zoom chat online or here hasn't resolved it yet.


There's another thread with the same issue. I hope whatever was broken with a release that caused this issue gets fixed soon.