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Allow specific emails to join and waiting room others with link


We have  a regular zoom call. The link is public so anyone can join. There are a cohort of regulars attending that informally meet 5-10mins before.


The problem is how to let the regulars (or approved attendees) into the meeting room while using a waiting room to manage 'gatecrashers'.


I considered adding as Users - the problem is that the if the email is associated with another zoom account, from what i can see, they lose that access and merge details to the inviting account (not useful).


Is it possible to whitelist specific emails? (rather than domain, again not useful) . Or enable waiting room by pass by password ? Or can a recurring meeting be set up that requires registration for access, so that new attendees will be required to register (Once)


A suggested solution would be much appreciated .




Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @JasonnosaJ.


There’s no real functionality describing what you’re asking for. There are three things I can think of that might help you, depending on your circumstances. 

First: set up Waiting Room and only admit attendees you want in the informal pre-meeting. 

Secondly, if the informal-meeting attendees are on the same account as you – they should be about to bypass the Waiting Room. 

Lastly, consider having a Breakout Room for the informal gathering, making sure that nobody can self-assign to the Breakout Room; the Host and Co-hosts euros have to assign people to it. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.