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2 Headphones to one computer


I'm working in education and we have the need for 2 students to be on one computer at times.  They are using noise canceling gaming headphones typically,  but we need 2 children to get on at times.   Does anyone have experience with this working successfully to join on one computer and participate in a zoom meeting?  If so is their a splicer or even headsets that you recommend.   (In case it matters, none of our sites use Mac computers and none are chrome books).  Thanks for insight!


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hi speechie715! This is something that I have not tried yet, but I was able to check in with one of our engineers. I was told that using a splitter can work. This will allow your students to use two headphones in one PC on a Zoom Meeting.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Can confirm that active or passive splitters (or even distribution amps) will work if you're using the analog headphone port.

This will be listen-only, as you'd need a specialized device to split the TRRS connection for headphones + mic (analog headsets are TS [tip/sleeve] for mono, TRS [tip/ring/sleeve] for stereo, and TRRS [tip/ring/ring/sleeve] for modern mic+headphone combo peripherals).
Note that you will not be able to use multiple Bluetooth headsets without additional hardware/software - this scenario is for analog audio only.

I do need both sets of headphones to be able to reply...They will participate by listening and actively replying  verbally and using the one computer.   Do you have any Amazon links you could share for this - you are above my tech levels with some of your reply.   🙂 

So - no Bluetooth to keep it simplified.  

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Got it - this is a very atypical splitter.


I have not used this item, but it would appear to allow 2 discrete headphone+mic devices to share a single analog TRRS connection:

At $9 USD, it's definitely worth a shot!


THANK YOU!   Greatly appreciated!