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Zoom webinar custom questions - unable to download



I set up custom questions for Zoom webinar registration, for a session that hasn't taken place just yet.  However, I've gone to Account Management, Reports, and Registration Report, selected the webinars I would like to know who has registered and what their answers are.  I'm able to download but it doesn't include the answers to the custom questions.  I've checked the questions and they are in the webinar I set up so I'm a bit stumped about how I can get access to them.  Can you help as I need this for research before the webinar/s. Thanks



Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @DProject welcome to the community! Theres a couple of different ways that I know you can access custom registration questions. 


When creating the custom questions for registration in Webinars, want to ensure you have these saved and required; if they're not required, and the user doesn't fill them out when registering, this will show that they've registered, however no questions will appear in reports or when editing registration

To see registrants individually you can go into the upcoming webinars you have scheduled; hover over the webinar title clicking to Manage, scroll down to invitations > Manage Attendees > edit 


From here you can see the list of registrants and you can click into the registrants to see the registration details including custom questions. 


Registration details: 


To pull a webinar report, you can go to > webinar report and following below: 1, 2, 3.


Generate the CSV report, and you should see the following, before the webinar starts: 

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