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Zoom users




We are a nonprofit organization running webinars and meetings. Currently, we have two licensed Zoom accounts, but this requires the account holders to spend significant time starting and attending meetings that don't directly involve them.


Given our limited number of meetings and webinars, additional licenses are not justifiable. When we create users with basic accounts, they seem to function independently, similar to if they were set up separately.


Is there a way to set up master/sub accounts to allow basic plan users to start meetings on behalf of the licensed accounts? Would recordings still function properly in this setup? Can we still exceed 40 minutes? And use our increased meeting capacity? 


We currently do not have the option for master/sub configuration. The advice suggests contacting our account executive for more information. How can I identify who our account executive is?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

any licensed user in your account can be assigned as alternative host.

Denise Lahat
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Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @MDUK_Charity.


If you only have 2 licensed accounts, then your options are very limited. Technically speaking, anyone who needs to host a meeting must be licensed, and anyone needing to host a webinar must have the Webinar add-on.  Even an Alt Host must be a Licensed user on the same organizational account


It’s possible for one person to schedule a meeting and have a substitute host using the Host Key method, but this isn’t to be used to avoid posting for accounts if the meetings are operationally “for” the other person, but intended, for example, when a teacher schedules a class and can’t attend but invited a substitute teacher on his behalf.  Anyone with the Host’s Host Key can access the Meeting to obtain Host privileges. Note that it’s also possible for attendees to meet without the presence of a Host, provided a Passcode is created for the meeting, Waiting Room is disabled, and Join Before Host is enabled


Please read Zoom’s Terms of Service, especially the first section, Account Information and Sharing:

If you choose to use the Host Key method, information is contained here:

Information on Join Before Host is here:


You can also explore discount Zoom pricing for nonprofits here at TechSoup: 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.